Nourish - eating well with cancer

  • Recipes from Jane - Stewed apples


    Delicious stewed apples can be served warm or cool with so many things, from a dollop of cream, yoghurt, crème fraîche, custard, or as a topping to cereals, porridge or pancakes. Apples contain pectin, which when deliciously stewed tends to make an easy to digest compote which can help to settle a nauseous stomach.Stewed apples in a jar

    Stewed apples

    Preparation time: 10 minutes

    Cooking time: 10 minutes


    6 Bramley or…

  • Recipes from Jane - Carrot cake


    This recipe is perfect for a birthday cake and a great excuse to go to town on the decoration. If you want a bigger cake, bake two and sandwich them together with extra topping before covering the outside. Such a pretty cake (and one of Maya's favourites), full of goodness as well as being a delicious accompaniment to a cup of tea or a glass of fresh juice. And if you're looking for a nutritional reason to indulge in…

  • Sugar and cancer


    My daughter Maya tells me that unlike her, I'm lucky not to have much of a sweet tooth – I am far more likely to crave some delicious salty olives than a bar of chocolate. Yet I couldn’t resist when Darina Allen of the renowned Ballymaloe Cookery School in Ireland gave me one of her wonderful almond biscuits with my mint tea last weekend. I was there to speak at the Ballymaloe Litfest, a celebration of…

  • Eat with the seasons


    There’s nothing quite like the anticipation as the first spears of English asparagus appear in the supermarket and grocers in May. Usually an expensive luxury when it’s forced and flown in from abroad, this wonderful veg instead becomes an affordable treat. I love it lightly steamed and served with mayonnaise. This is also the month for pink and zingy rhubarb, which is growing aplenty in my garden right now. This weekend…

  • Nourishing juices


    As the daylight hours lengthen and the first springtime shoots appear in the garden, we can feel a natural instinct to swap winter comfort foods such as casseroles and slow roasts for the zing of fresh juices, especially when you're living with the backdrop of cancer. Juices are a great way to increase your intake of antioxidant-rich fruit and vegetables. I particularly love those based around beetroot, carrot, ginger…