Breast cancer, what does it mean for me.

3 minute read time.

So I find myself here following a diagnosis ofobular breast cancer. Apparently I'm lucky, because lobular breast cancer is almost impossible to diagnose untill it has spread. 

I found myself at the Brest clinic following months of visiting my GP feeling like I had the flue, and fringe tiered. I was o. And off antibiotics for two years. Told I had a virus. My bloods showed slight I famation but nothing  to worry about. Untill I noticed my left nipple was looking a bit squished. At first I thought I was probably was wearing the wrong g bra. I mentioned it to the GP in passing who said it looked normal but she would put I. A referral to the breast clinic. A week later I was having a mammogram and ultrasound, which showed that my lymph nodes were abnormal and so a biopsy was performed. All in one day. 

I left that office feeling..... No knowing I had cancer without the diagnosis. I had a sense of relief because I knew that all my past years of visiting the doctor had finished ally found the reason for my continue d sickness.

A week later I was officially told I had lobular breast cancer which has spread to lymph nodes. The plan of action was to have a CT following this I would be booked in for a complete left side mastectomy a d removal of the lymph nodes. I was numb, everything g was happening g to quickly. 

I explored whatlobular cancer was and the fear in me grew. How would they detect if it spreads to my other breast? Can I have the other one off at the same time, I don't want to go through this again. 

The day comes for the CT scan. I'm pretty and ready to go. They take me in to the room where they request that I get myself on to a bed that has a ramp on about a foot above the machine and they tell me toie face down and position my boobs into the holes. I found the mammogram humiliating enough been squashed and squeezed I to place but this was taking g the biscuit. And the humiliation continued . The machine began to no e and space got tighter and tighter u till my chest was pressed down so much I could not breath. The scan was stopped and I was told. It to worry that it happens all the time with larger people. 

The next appointment my humiliation continued. The specialist tells me because I. A veryarve lady they will carry out an MRI scan I stead. I ask to have both my breast s removed be size IV read that the risk of the Cancer reacurring is high. "We dont  do that" is the reply from the specialist. I ask about reconstruction, u can take have it is the reply your too fat, BMI is to high. 

I'm not coping very well with the diagnosis IV found it difficult to tell people that I have it, the first two weeks I'm just a blubbering ball of snot. Si IV had the other tests and they have now found a descrepancy in my spine I now wait on the rest of a bone scan . The prospect of having chemistry is back on the table.

 A d I sit here this mi g , yea I'm a size 18-20, I'm going g to lose the one asset "aFatBird has" and now possible y my hair. 

IV been told your string your a fighter but the truth is I have e no co tell over cancer, my fighting and courage will not change the outcome. 

I'm probably feeling g sorry for myself and I should be grateful that I am getting a shit at life and the o my thing I live for is my 15year old who is crushed but I'm Brocken.  Where is this light at the end of the tunnel.
