Here i am again

2 minute read time.

Well here i am again 7 years later with breast cancer only this time with secondaries in the bone. i know my last blog said i wasnt going through with chemo but my mind was changed and i did it and then had radiotherapy and then got on with the rest of my life............ or so i thought....... found small pea size lump in the neck went to see GP and before i knew it i was having a biopsy which showed the cancer was on the move, ct and bone scans showed it was in the lymph nodes and in the sternum skull and lower back. I was advised to have chemo Taxotere/Carboplatin which absolutely knocked me off my feet, plus injections i had to give myself each day for eight days after chemo and once they kicked in i was so ill.  it was awful.  hair loss as expected devastated again sore mouth terrible diahreah and numb feet of which my toes are still numb, this along with Denusomab injections and then surgery to have mastectomy and removal of lymph nodes, after this i was expecting to have radiotherapy but as the lumps in the clavicular area had come back i am on a new regimen of chemo Capecetabine which is tablets every day for two weeks and a week off. so far not so bad have had a bit of sickness and diahreah but not too bad the tiredness is worst and now my mouth is developing blisters so this chemo as with others will have an accumulative effect and im expecting it to get worse. am on the second round of tablets great when i need to be out and about for christmas shopping but have done most on the internet. Scans three weeks ago show no changes not better not worse but lumps in neck are showing no sign of going anywhere yet but its early days i suppose. I dont know how long i will have to take this Capecetabine as the oncologist said it will control things so what happens if and when i stop?? i know that this cancer wont go away and i will have to fight it until i dont want to anymore. im feeling a bit down and fed up today but thats down to tiredness too and to be honest i dont like Christmas time never have so thats not helping. 

  • FormerMember

    Sorry to hear that you are going through such a tough time again.  The fight can be exhausting both physically and emotionally so take care of yourself and lean on us if you need to. Xxx

  • FormerMember

    Evening redd

    That is tough news to get, you would think after getting through the first 5 years the risk of this coming back had diminished :(

    No doubt the community has changed a bit over the last 7 years but there is still an active Breast Secondary Group here (link) you should check out and join.

    If you decide to join just create a New Discussion copying your text as an introduction. I'm sure you will soon get several replies and can have a good chat with the lovely ladies there to get some friendly support.

    Do mention your sore mouth to your onco there are lots of things to ease this. Until then you may get relief by using 1/2 teaspoon of bicarbonate of soda in 1/2 pint of water to rinse / gargle your mouth and throat with until you can get something better.

    Take care, G n' J

  • FormerMember

    Thank you for your kind words i sound like a right whinger dont i but i think i was having a bad day and needed to get it out, family are very good but they dont need to hear me whinging so this was a good place to come.

    When was diagnosed again back in March i was so shocked, i started looking into booking a funeral and making sure everything was up to date even to the point of clearing some things out of my wardrobe,i wish i hadnt given my big warm coat away ... ive calmed down now as the treatment and frequent hospital visits took over and ive realised that im not going to die just yet. It was a lonely place to be and i didnt want anyone in that place with me i needed to wallow for a while so while other people said i was brave and coping so well when they wouldnt be able to cope with it all i just smiled and told them i was doing ok. And i am really. So Christmas is coming and the grandchildren are excited and i adore them they make me laugh and we do daft things and i can forget!!

    Dreamthief thank you for your advice on the Breast Secondary group i will look at it and thanks again for mouth blister advice too. Jojo4 thank you for taking the time to reply to my blogg its all a bit new to me and its so good to know people read this stuff and actually care Many thanks xxx