Smashed It !

4 minute read time.

It's been a very emotional weekend to say the least. Our team that had set out to conquer the mighty Ben Nevis managed to reach the summit with no exclusions despite the large quantities of snow at the top and the threatening blizzard conditions. In saying that, all the good thoughts and prayers that went with the team must have had the power to guide the way as the team had some amazing weather at the top and could stop for some very interesting pictures whilst there. 

This was the core troop of trekkers supported by ground staff and an accompanying group from the gym but I think you will agree this makes a fine picture. I'm on FaceTime btw so technically I was there too at the top. I've climbed Nevis before but that time it was for Cancer Research and let me tell you it's no mean feat. When David and Darren came to me in December to tell me that this was their decision to attempt a summit I can honestly say I was very doubtful about the end result as a lot of my friends aren't really hill walkers at all and could be classified (if that's what you are into) as technically unfit. On top of that when they mentioned the time period involved (mid April) I seemed to write the whole thing off as mid April can often dream up shocking weather. I was enthused, I can't say I wasn't, as any effort to be made in my name was obviously a great privilege however the enormity of the challenge and the overall organisation, logistics and planning stuck in my mind for a good few weeks before I eventually started to pitch in and become a part of the event. This was aided by the fact that there started to become test tracks organised with various trips to Tinto in the snow and even some action footage of climbs of the Cobbler. With all this going on, it seemed that there was a bit of a buzz about the team and a common realisation that the actual climb on the day would take some preparation. I must admit seeing the pictures and videos flooding in of some of the guys reaching the cairns was absolutely gut wrenching and I cried on many occasions as the WhatsApp videos flooded in. Not just for the sake of the work being done in my effort, but the fact that friends were getting to experience what I have loved for years and hoped that they were getting the same buzz out of the climbs as I normally would.  

For weeks we watched the training regimes getting wilder and wilder and  the team getting stronger and stronger and then the financial side of things started to come to the fore. MacMillan had been involved from the outset and commitments of £10,000 had been made via JustGiving and in light of the Country's current situation after 8 years of austerity and limited wage rises across the board, I started to worry that the size of the target was beyond the reach of the team. Even with the opportunities afforded by social media and the relationships with businesses that the team could muster, the overall thought of raising £10,000 seemed very far off indeed. It's at this point I want to highlight the goodness of the human spirit and the fact that you will find the kind acts of humanity that are always there in every man, woman and child. I say this as instead of reaching our £10,000 target we all smashed it out the park and have so far raised over £21,400. The site is still open for another couple of days at Our target reached, our team all completed their tasks and everyone safe and sound at the bottom, albeit with sore knees and legs, the mission is now accomplished.


As you can imagine, there are 1000 more pics which I won't be able to squeeze in but hopefully someone has collated an album for posterity and the guys that undertook the challenge will all remember the elation, the emotion and the physical exertion needed to complete the challenge. All I can say lads is once again what an absolute supreme effort that you made in order to get this far and much thanks goes out to all those who dug deep and sponsored the cause. I can only hope that if anyone needs the support of MacMillan in the future that they receive the same comforting levels of service that Carol and I have received although I pray that no-one, friends or family have to fight this terrible disease.

As well as the sponsored event climbing Nevis, my friends Keith and Steve decided to raise money for MacMillan by completing the Loch Ness Etape currently raising £860 with all donations still welcome. Well done guys again the thought is very much appreciated and it warms my heart that you guys braved the weather and completed what has been a life long ambition. Well done, you will always be in my thoughts. 

So what about me then ? Lets see if this will post and I'll get to part 2 in a minute ..... 
