Tired and fed up waiting

4 minute read time.

Hi this is my first time using a blog and I have no idea what I'm doing but I would like to share my story so far if that's ok . I am 59 and until recently worked as a TA in a local primary school previously I worked at a nursery for 16 years and in school 7 years and before that 14 years with a bank in the city I have been married 40 years and have 2 adult children . I took early retirement in August 2016 I felt increasingly tired all the time and found my working day exhausting I worked from 7.30am to 5pm ( not my contracted hours) and I loved my job and the children . Anyway on the morning of 7 Sept whilst in the shower I noticed quite a significant lump in my right breast close to the nipple my first thought was " I'm sure that wasn't there yesterday " and put it down to the fact that I had sanded and varnished 5 wooden doors the day before and being righted handed had probably "over did it " next morning I phoned the doctor no appointments for 4 days decided to ring early next morning for an emergency appt yes they would see me same morning explained to the doctor about the lump needs to be investigated she said gave me a letter and told nhs try to see you within 2 weeks I have private health insurance so opted to go down that route I didn't want to wait 2 weeks maybe more . Saw my consultant who examined my lump had biopsies mammograms "well the lump hasn't shown up on the mammogram said the consultant I let out a sigh of relief but I can feel the lump and so can you and I think that is supious wait and see what the biopsies come back with . My husband and l left feeling shell shocked I had no idea that a lump would not show on a mammogram we went back a week later it's cancer and is a 20mm approx I was scheduled for surgery on 28 Oct 2016 I had read everything I could find on breast cancer so felt prepared and positive surgery went well the lump was 22mm all margins were clear as were lymph nodes but there were some small cancer cells in the lobular tubes I would definitely need radiation but chemo would be depend on my endopredict test and what my oncologist thought met with my oncologist who was very matter of fact talked at me and gave me leaflets along with words like effects the heart hair loss sore mouth jaw bone crumbling I came out went to the toilet and sobbed for the first time since diagnosis I felt like a naughty child ! I had to phone my insurance company every time I went somewhere/had a test to see if I was covered my test was sent off and I phoned a week later just to double check it had been "yes we got the authorisation code from your insurance and the test was sent" 2weeks later I got a phone call from my oncologist "I'm sorry but due to an admin error your test wasn't sent it's been sent today so you will have to wait another 2 weeks !! I put the phone down and with a sinking heart told my husband who went ballistic . Being the type of person who needs to know I went on websites to see how long I could wait for chemo to start "national guide lines state chemo should start 31 days after surgery patients who start after 60 days have a higher risk of recurrence I phoned my oncologist straight away but had to speak to her secretary who got back to me that evening to say my oncologist would see me the following evening at 6.45pm we arrived at 7.40pm checked in at 7pm we were told that she was on her way from Maidstone and would be with us as soon as she could by 7.15pm my nerves were in shreds and I asked my husband to take me home I had a total meltdown and for the first time felt helpless and out of control we eventually got to see her at 7.45pm . Only to be told that not everything on websites is correct that my test would be back in 2 weeks and that she was away on a conference in America but she would see me on 12 December to discuss them . I've since found out that my insurance company will only cover 60% of my chemo treatment should I need it as the cancer care centre is not on their list and if I don't need it they won't fund the Zoldronic Acid on its own but will if it's given with chemo I feel totally let down and have had to fight every step of the way for treatment . I wish I had waited for the NHS because reading other people's stories has made me realise what a mistake I've made going private I thought would give my family peace of mind " no waiting times " boy was I so wrong . Still no news on endopredict test . I'm sorry I've rambled on just needed to sound off but thank you and reading your stories and how positive you have been gives me hope that I will come out the other side xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Witch

    Welcome to the Mac Community, not that we like seeing so many new members joining this particular club :(

    Looks very much you have been given the run around at an emotionally tough time. If it is any consolation the HNS and Private health care services are both guilty of putting you through agonising periods of waiting for results, be it initially for a diagnosis or with ongoing scan / tissue results. Most would say the waiting (scanxiety) is more emotionally upsetting than having the treatments.

    There is a very active Breast Group here(link) you could check out and join, it helps to chat with others who are at the same stage of treatment, or those who have already been there, done that.

    Good luck with your Endopredict score, but don't feel to disheartened if a higher score means chemo is still offered. The surgery has removed the tumour, any follow up treatments are tailored to keep you clear and vastly reduce the risks of recurrence.

    Hope you are recovering well from surgery and making sure you do those exercises :-/

    Take care, G n' J