Advice please x

2 minute read time.

Hi not used anything like this before my mum started with a bad back..for about 12 weeks the doctors just threw lots of different pills at her..try this try that..eventually they did a liver scan which showed leasions?..a week or so after she had a ct scan which showed cancer everywhere lungs liver kidneys ribs pelivs spine and in her bones..shes terminal..the ongologist told her she would.have 3 to 6 months to live of she didnt have chemo i she did then maybe a extra 4 months..she decided against it and decided on quality rather than quantity..a couple of days after telling the docs that she has become very forgetfull and finding it very hard at the moment..i took her to moat docs appointments with her bad back and phsio ect..used to massage her..then was with her every day in hospital for 2 and a half problem isnt that she is poorly im dealing with that..its my dad..hes decided to finish work ..and so there all the time too..and he moand alot...ur doing this wrong ..or just leave her alone..i can see shes in trying to get her to take her meds and he says she doesnt want them leave her alone..her legs giv way so she rests on me and he pushes me out the way telling me im doing it trying to sort some money for her at the jobcentre and he seems to moan at me because they take so long..i have been with her everyday for about 4 months ..i just want to be round her and help her as much as i can..but i now feel i cant look after her properly as hes telling me to leave her alone and moans at me about silly things..he makes me feel like i cant cope with going to.her home because hes the youngest in our family..i feel i have enough to deal with i have 5 of my own children who i have to tell them.that nanny is dieing..i have to deal with my own emotions while wanting to be with my mum without him moaning at me dealing with my mum being ill..yet its my dads attitude and actions that bring me to tears and make me feel lile i cant cope...any suggestions on what i can do..i want to be round my mum and look after her as much i can but hes making me want to stay away xx
