my lovley mum

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after a long heartbreakng year I found this , my brain has found every emotion you can think off ,after her having a stroke last Christmas and my mum fighting to stay her with us she had more horrible news of bein diagnosed pancreatic cancer in feb , we was all numb , I was a little selfish cause we never was really that close till the stroke and now I have my mum she loves me she told me :)

but lifes so unfair cause I got my mum n now shes bein taken away from me , im tryin to stay strong n I look it to everyone but deep inside its tearing me apart , then I see how brave she is after the decision of having no treatment and see her still smiling im so proud to  be her daughter , so all I can do is give her some  happy memories even if I feel down and look after her best I can xx
