Five years since diagnosis, what a journey

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I have just had a look back at my previous blog posts, and so much has happened (or not ) since then. I did have the Diep flap surgery in December 2019, and I love it, it is the best decision I made. I have recently had a full peony tattoo over the reconstructed breast to cover all the scars from my various ops, and feel thatI can now close the door on this whole 5 years. I was diagnosed on 15th August 2016 and now feel at peace with myself. I am not the same person I was pre-cancer, and if I’m honest I don’t always like the new me, but I have a better perspective on how I have come to this now, and I am sure I would have changed anyway ….still the hormone tablets for another five years, and the chance of recurrence is always ther but I can’t change what may happen, and most dewing spend my life worrying about what could occur, I want to live my life, and I do, I have a great and supportive family and friends, and feel very lucky and blessed.

  • Thank you for coming back and posting this. I've just had a lumpectomy with chemo to start in a few weeks and then radiotherapy and tamoxifen. So I'm literally at the start of this nightmare.

    It's so lovely to read someone who has come out the other side.