CA125 normal

1 minute read time.

It's a couple of months since I wrote a blog entry. That's because I had two months between appointments this time. It's been great taking some time off from hospital and in the interim I have been trying to get back to work (partially successful - I've managed a few jobs and it's been good getting my brain back into gear but the fatigue still gets in the way). 

This week I got the CA125 test result from the bloods taken in February and it's now in the normal range. Hurray! It's an odd sensation being two months in arrears, as it were, but  can live with it for now. I saw the registrar and he's looking into the fatigue with some blood tests for thyroid function. 

Today I discovered that a side effect I heard about from the US Inspire site but not from doctors (as far as I remember at any rate) is very real. Sun sensitivity. I was out in the sunshine today and have a face like a tomato despite applying  factor 30. My hands were the only other bit of skin uncovered and it looks like I've dipped them in boiling water. This is going to be a nuisance, I fear. 
