Feeling Blue

1 minute read time.

I am approaching my 6th and final chemo treatment. I am dealing with Taxotere side effects including acute fluid retention of 23 lbs last I checked. I have the burning pain and swelling and peeling of my skin in my feet primarily, but also has been in my hands as well. My emotions are all over the place. I've had much more days as of recent with crying...a lot of crying. I've not really had other people that are going through the same things to talk to or blog with...so when I came upon this site and read a lot of what I've read, the tears began to flow, to see others dealing with some of the same things. Strange how in its own way it brings a sense of relief to know others " get it " . Right now I feel like an utter blimp and my spirits have been yanked right out from under neath me. All along I have tried to be the strong one...happy go lucky fighter...and where I haven't lost that, and continue to go through this nightmare with a smile on my face. Some days...it's bitterly hard to do so. Doesn't mean I've lost the fight,just means I am tired and need someone that understands to just let me know. I'm ok and offer suggestions for me to get back into my size 10 Jeans...I am so crushed right now in my appearance. I know ultimately its what inside that is beautiful, but when ya cant even fit into your clothes...it knocks the wind out of your sails, and that's how I am feeling right now. Bad enough to lose my breasts, hair, eyelashes, eyebrows, dignity, femininity and so on and so forth. This fight is brutal,in every way, sigh. Any feedback would be so heartfully appreciated.Thanks.

  • FormerMember

    Evening Brattie60

    Sorry this is so brief but I wanted to pass this on now as I have to be up at 4am

    Please join the very active Breast Groupclicking this link and joining the group for some help.  The painful feet sounds very much like chemo induced peripheral neuropathy.

    Take care, G n' J

  • FormerMember

    I had Breast cancer year2000, 2013, 2016.that's going through he'll 3 times.

    I am now back to normal and on LETROZOLE, Being a very mature lady l have kept focus

    On all the good things in life, and destroy any negative thoughts.

    Your body is wonderful at recovering,listen to it always.x