May the fourth be with me...

3 minute read time.

Thursday 4th May 2017.

Well it's been a while since I've blogged. Not a lot has happened really except that I've been very busy work wise with our holiday business with the Easter holidays and bank holiday, also I've had both daughters and partners staying over the last month and of course my gorgeous grandson. It's been lovely because it's taken my mind off things.

On 28th April I had my final results appointment with my surgeon, she had a big smile on her face when I went into her consulting room and then  I was given the fantastic news that I'd had a pcr, pathological complete response to the chemotherapy, there was no sign of cancer at all when they operated, it's been nearly a week since the news and it's still sinking in. I feel so blessed. I'm  just waiting for the radiotherapy dates to come through now. Three weeks of radiotherapy should be the end of treatment with a check up mammogram booked for November 21st. That seems a long way off right now.

I've recovered very well since the lumpectomy just over four weeks ago, I have full movement and no pain at all, I'm just carrying on as normal. The only thing I'm suffering from are hot flushes which creep up on me during the day and wake me at night. I think I was heading towards the menopause before chemotherapy, so maybe this would've happened anyway. My nails are ugly but growing out now thankfully and thy aren't painful or feeling 'loose' anymore. I wish my hair would grow quicker but during the last few days I have noticed it's thicker and the hair that's growing looks like proper hair, not white fluff, so maybe this is the start of the proper hair coming back, I'm hoping the eyelashes and brows follow suit. My constantly watering eyes are getting better too now, so thats good, they still water but not nearly as much. 

 Emotionally I have really good days, especially since the final results appointment but I still get times of worry and I get scared that some cancer may have spread even though they've told me there was no cancer in the lymph nodes or any left because of the pcr, but I suppose that's normal and something I'll have to learn to live with. I just have to hope that's not the case. One day I will read my blog from the beginning and realise how far I've come, but I certainly couldn't read it back yet. Soon it will be a year (June 6th) when all this started with the first mammogram, it was on our 29th wedding anniversary that I had my age 50 routine mammogram. I'm going to celebrate our 30th wedding anniversary this year and be thankful that the last year is out of the way, that's for sure! 

Anyway I am going to get back to excersise now and carry on with the healthy eating ( I did go a little off track with the family visits) that's my way of being in control of something in my life as with TNBC there is no follow up medication when treatment ends. 

All in all I'm in a good place right now, I'm grateful for the fantastic treatment I've had at the hospitals, right from the start to now it's been amazing and I'm so grateful I found this Macmillan site and all the wonderful people on here, it's been a life line to me in some very dark times.  I'm going to ask all my family and friends to donate to Macmillan every birthday and Christmas from now on instead of giving me presents. I just hope I have lots of birthdays and Christmases! 

Well the birds are tweeting outside and its starting to get light, it's 5am, I'm going to try to get a couple of hours sleep as I've got another busy day, then we are away for a few days in our motor home just to relax and do nothing. Life is getting better, it really is. Hopefully after the radiotherapy I really will be able to say...

Stop this ride....I want to get off!!!
