No 1. October 10th 2016

1 minute read time.

The journey has started. It's been a hair raising few months to say the least. I have scans tomorrow to determine what OC is up to & hopefully the next course of action. 

Having my tum poked about is painful enough, but the internal one, well. Last time, with a lovely nurse, she told me she was in her 60's, very spritely. I am walked to the scan room to be greeted with a male sonographer. I put my trust in these 2, implicitily. I have the external scan and then I'm to get into possibly the most undignified position, (any of us having had a smear test know how to assume that position), a blue wedge under my bum to tilt everything. I still wasn't quite in the right position. Apparently I had gas the sonographer tells me, it's causing a shadow. So he tilts the head end of the bed down as well. I'm all but upside down now. I'd been in the room for over an hour at this point. Feeling dizzy & a bit sick. I need to fart!!  I started laughing, he started laughing. It was a mess....hehe. 

After the positioning, poking & both of them having been at the sharp end of proceedings, they both retreat behind the the curtain so I can get dressed on my own! Tad pointless now me thinks.


  • FormerMember

    This made me smile. My Mum has OC and I have accompanied her to many an appointment like this.

    Keep smiling, stay positive. It's moments like this that get you through the bulls*** that is OC.
