Pancreatic pain

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Brother in law (47) strong fit an active man diagnosed with pancreatic cancer last week . Sister in law ,whole family totally devasted by this blow. It has spread to liver and lungs. Worst of all is the constant pain and sleep deprivation. Pain relief is oramorph and pregabalin but is not helping . Any thoughts or advise please ? 

  • FormerMember

    I am very sorry to hear your sad news, my mum had a similar diagnosis a few weeks ago and experienced a great deal of pain and discomfort which prevented her sleeping, in the end a syringe driver really helped so she had constant pain relief.

  • Sorry your family is going through this also. Mum is a little further along now but when her pain intensified the district nurses took advice from the consultants at the hospice as to what medication Mum should be on. It seemed to be the best place to take advice from x

  • FormerMember

    No cancer patient (or any for that matter), should be suffering pain at high levels.  Get into your nurse and enquire about a syringe driver and don't be robbed off.  Insist on the right Iain relief.   

  • FormerMember

    Hi Deirds,

    I'm very sorry to hear about your brother-in-law. It's great that you've come to the Community for support.

    Can I suggest that you join our Pancreatic cancer forum (Group) group and post your query in there instead? You'll receive more responses posting in the relevant group than as a blog. If you have any medical-specific questions, you can post these into our Ask a nurse (Group) group. Just click the group name and then select 'Ask a question'.

    I hope this help.

    Best wishes,

    Online Community Officer

  • FormerMember

    My husband has terminal pancreatic cancer spread to liver and bones,diagnosed in January,about a month ago had a syringe driver fitted as in great pain,hr has very bad days where I think this is it and then followed by really good days of which I'm grateful!! Does anyone else witness this rollercoaster?