How did it come to this

  • Treatment Pt 1


    3 1/2 weeks of being wrapped, packed and stacked, the ticks in the boxes and the numbers added to the statistics folder, time for a sit down and a cuppa tea ..... wrong.

    Appointments with medical and radiation oncology turned up a treatment regime, easy they said, we will poison and irradiate you at the same time, that should kill the freeloader, or at least give it a bad headache.

    Ok, ok, the description was a bit rough…

  • Diagnosis


    I need to go back a little in time, no, not to Ceasar or Genghis Khan, but just to early 2015.

    I developed a cough, not a bad cough but it was there. Being a smoker I put it down to that and carried on with my daily life.

    Forward to June and came the news that the company that I have worked for for over 10 yrs was closing its doors and I was out of a job, not good news at any time but when you are 58 your prospects are…