Our Myeloma Bubble

  • The End of Maintenance Treatment


    There are different types of Myeloma, and different ways of measuring the Myeloma cells. For Dad, they use a measure of “paraproteins”. This is a protein created by the Myeloma and the concentration of the protein gives an indication of the cancer.

    When he was diagnosed, Dads paraprotein was at 69. At its lowest point during treatment, it was around 5 – we celebrated Dad achieving a “Very Good Partial Remission…

  • The rollercoaster of uncertainty!


    As I write this, we are 3 years and 2 months along Dad’s cancer journey.

    Following a number of treatments, his incurable cancer had been stable for 21 months. Then in August, 3 years to the day since his diagnosis, we were told that his maintenance treatment appeared to have stopped working. He carried on with his maintenance for 2 more months, just to make sure, but really we all knew, even if we didn’t say it…