Can't take it anymore

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After nearly 14 weeks in hospital I had my sarcoma removed last Friday, it was looking a success but unfortunately my skin graft hasn't taken so I need further surgery. I feel incredibly upset as I thought I could see the light at the end of the tunnel. I am at my lowest point as I can't face anymore I just want to be home with my lovely family. I can't stop crying and I've never felt so hopeless and weak. I'm having a vac dressing fitted tomorrow and then will need a skin graft so long as the muscle that was

implanted in my leg has taken . This is something I'm very worried about as I really don't know what I'll do if this needs even more surgery. I should be happy as my sarcoma was successfully removed but all I can focus on is the failure. It doesn't help that I have a 14 week old baby and a 4yr old and I'm in a hospital not local to home 

  • FormerMember

    Thanks ouch E J

    I'm trying to be stronger now, I've had a vac dressing fitted to make my wound smaller and dryer in order for healing and the next op....whatever that may be. I may have the opportunity of going home for a few days next week which is something to look forward to...but I'm not joking I'll probably have a total melt down if this doesn't happen! I worry about of the wounds on my leg is weeping and I'm convinced it will get infected...already on antibiotics! I can't sleep, how do I stay calm?

  • FormerMember


    Oh deary, deary me.

    There is not much I can say except reiterate, trust in yourself and in the medics and the nearest Macmillan nurse, whom, think is trained for just this confidence sapping happenstance.

    All the best in your endeavours

