Middle of the night

  • blood transfusion


    well what a very long day.  Lots of waiting around before Blood appered. Then  four hours to infuse. was so glad to get home.

  • back from short break in Exmouth


    We have managed a short break (two nights away) in Exmouth. My husband has such strong happy childhood memorries of this area, It was one of the first places we ever visited after our marrage. He took such delight taking me to all his favorite places and telling stories about them. 

    Its one of the places I was concidering for his Ashes but simce then we have agreed and sorted out a burial plot.   What I had not expected…

  • Feeling Guilty..........crying over spilt milk!


    So my husband has advanced kidney Cancer, not that i'm surprised !

    I feel guilty for not paying him more attention and making him see the doctor earlier.

    Why didnt I do something when His smell changed?

    He had terrible night sweats?

    He lost more wieght then I expected on his diet?

    As he had regular appointments with GP for his mental health I expected these things to be discussed ....I feel terrible that I didn't…

  • Hospital tomorrow


    Tried for an early night but sleep not coming so up I get again. Its not surprizing that I'm not sleepy concidering the 3hour nap I had on sofa this afternoon. I have lots of things I could have been doing instead. All seemed too hard to even contemplate. 

    Last time we went to see consultant my poorly husband asked "how long then" which was a shock to me so I didn't hear the immendiate answer. He however assures me…