secondary bone cancer with no primary

4 minute read time.

hi i feel i really need to get my story out cause my mum is pain and i need to help her.

it all started about 3 months ago when my mum complained to the docs about a what we thought was a trapped a nerve which she has had in the past. 

painkillers and i paid for a private spine person to untrap it .

4 weeks past and she was in more pain could not walk properly so was told to rest as this the best thing for a trapped nerve, things didnt improve numbness in her lower lip and pins and needles in her arm she then went to the docs, who prescibed anitinflamtires  and amotgritliyne for the nerves, her stomach coudnt cope with antis and was sick for days , still on a little pain she went back to docs and saw another doctor who then referrred her to have an mri scan , 3 weeks had passed and not even a letter so we saw the doctor again pain a little worse now , doctor informed us even for a an urgentcy it would b 3 - 4 weeks, so i paid for a private mri scan of her lower back and hips, which by the way i was able to do on the same day , mum was still walking at this point but with a limp. results came trough next day and within a few days appointments came  in , 

As mum already had a past blood disorder over 15 years ago she was allready in the system with heomotogly so the doctor there was confused with the mri reports becasue it showed something flowing through the bone marow and large nodes present.

 they wanted another mri scan of the top part, so without hestitation i took her stright diown private , the nurses were really shocked to see us back through the private sector because they saw the first mri and how serious it was they coudnt belive it b another 3 week before another one would be arranged so they never charged me whichi i thought was really nice for private x 

results came back and a bone marrow test 1 was done.mums blood count was down too so she was booked in for blood trafusiions over the next 3 weeks, dring this time she had another bone marrow with liquid this to test for lymphphonia. test failed so another bone marrow 3 was done tests came back negative. more questions.

bad news arrived cancer present in bone marrow.

her symptoms were getting worse now walking .less and pain more intense. 

morphine was prescibed in liquid and tablet.

x ray of chest came back clear - ct scan of head neck and middle body came back clear with only showing large nodes again on the neck and bottom of the back again

wasnt signed to an oncogist as no primary found not anything they could do . 

another doctor saw her and went through all of her symptons which was the first time proper assessed, she has requested a biopsy of the nodes in her neck, and another ct scan due ,she then made it clear on mums diagnosis was secondary bone cancer with no primary, but we will keep trying to find it.

pallative care in place at this point , as mum always in pain

in the meantime a facial surgeon about her numbness in her lower lip and chin as puzzzled by the test result of the head and nothing shows up to answer this problem

she got less usage of her left arm and left leg she cant walk up the stairs now and cant cook or hold a kettle a kettle anymore. she always in pain, shes only able to sleep sometimes for 2 - 3 hours if shes lucky , she spends most of her time dosing cause she wacked.

its soo hard and all of this had happend within 3 months. i work with my mum too and so when i am in work which is not much cause mum needs a lot of care now, people r always asking and i find it really upsetting ., her sister is over at the mo helping but she goes back home in 3 weeks , the system regarding home help is too slow for this fast disease that has got my mum. social workers have put her on alist !

mobilty shop has become my second home this week purchasing stuff she has needed now.

sorry for ranting i have read loads of these blogs of the last 3 months and done reasearch after research with no avail thanks for for listening

tricia x

waiting now for next step of the biospy but if mum keep detertoring the way she does they said bring her in to hospital if any other symptons arise. 

recent update while waiting for biopsy a bone scan was arranged, she just managed to lie down on the bed to have this done not full body though as she had to be propped up, while crying in pain for the scan we both new that she will not b able to do any more tests.

after this appointment we had a bed waiting in marie cuire cancer care  to initally help my mum out with better pain relif on a review from the nurses. after a week on the main ward she was transferred to a side ward  Sadly and totally devistating my mum passed away on th 20th november . i am her only child and i have no dad and feel totally lost . the only thing keeping me going is my daughter and husband, but they are feeling too sad too. i jeep mysekf busy in work as iam self employed . 

i still cant beilve that she has gone. shes no longer in pain and it was a very hard 3 month process, cancer can b a very fast disease too fast for my mum.
