The beginning

1 minute read time.

Using this site as a way to vent the feelings you can't seem to burden family and friends with.  My family and friends are all used to me doing the running about and caring that they seem to be taking theses words breast cancer hard so I am holding it together for them.

I was diagnosed with breast cancer after a routine mammogram (first as turned 50 in November 2016) which was so lucky as I have a lumpy left breast anyway and had noticed a change and pain but put it down to possible change of life stuff.  (still have regular periods every month though). 

After the mammogram I was sent a letter to attend another clinic in the town for further investigation but me living up in cloud cookoo land thought they were just being extra cautious.  Attended clinic had another mammogram and then scan (like when your pregnant with gel) then two biopsies.  As I am a perfectly healthy 50 year old (except for weight) I was still stupidly thinking at this time they were just being cautious doh!!  They then sat me done and told me I had breast cancer?  I just laughed at the woman and said "what me". 

I then attended the hospital which had the best staff ever and was booked in for lumpectomy n lymph node removal yeasterday.  Was perptrified of surgery as I hate the thought of going to sleep but at last it's over.  The surgeon has noted that I will Definately get radiotherapy and hormone treatment but will not find out the rest until Wednesday 28th September.  Never new it was so complicated.  Apparently every woman (or man) has a different diagnosis depending on the cancer, bloods, menopause, age etc.

Well it was good getting all this out and will continue to use this blog page to vent so thanks to all that are reading.
