Post-lumpectomy follow up

2 minute read time.

Just a bit of background - I found a lump in my left breast (after several weeks of intermittent pain) and saw my doctor on the 11th August , referred by her to the local (Sheffield) breast clinic with an appointment on the 15th August. After a consultation and mammogram , off to the radiologist who  also had a very good look around in my underarm area- he took two core biopsies (which hurt!) and at that point I was expecting the news that it was suspicious - which when I saw the consultant half an hour later was confirmed. However , she said it was caught early and completely treatable. So although it wasn't good news , it was the top side of bad ! Back on the 24th for the results and the start of the snakes and ladders - it was early Grade1 and treatable , was oestrogen+ and this would be dealt with with surgery ( lumpectomy) radiotherapy, and medication for 5 years, but was also HER2+ which would involve chemo and injections for a year. So up a ladder and then down one again .... Surgery set for the 16th September which seemed forever away. But now the task of telling everyone which was horrific, and sorting out work ( including a trip abroad which I ended up cancelling) cancelling holidays etc. Forward a week and a phone call from the surgeons secretary- would I be able to go in on the 2nd September ? I said yes and was elated that I was on the road to properly getting rid of the cancer and the treatment to stop it coming back. But I was also aigned off work for 6 months which seemed incomprehensible ! So 2nd September came , and after the op only one node was removed which was clear - up a big ladder - and my boob looked good -not a ladder but a good few steps forward ! I have recovered well , few blips but all good. Appointment on the 15th back at the hospital , and the news that the cancer is now graded 2, and that there wasn't a clear margin on one part so will need more surgery again next week, 23rd September- a giant snake down , and am gutted. However, the HEr2+ Diagnosis is now in the air as it came back negative from the full histology - how can that be ? I will find out in the next couple of days a definitive diagnosis, if it  is + back to the plan , if it is - , no need for treatment for this , but will I have doubts that they have got it right ? 

  • FormerMember

    Hi jowoomot

    Welcome to Mac Towers home of the scariest roller coasters :-/

    Sorry to see you got called back in to get clear margins, unfortunately this happens fairly often as it a balance between not taking too much and and not taking quite enough when they aim to minimise the surgery. Getting an upgrade (not sure that is the best word) up one grade is fairly common too as the original biopsy may not have been taken from the part of the tumour where the cells were slightly more aggressive.

    There are two main tests for Breast Group here, noticed you posted a reply earlier but if you actually join the group a New Discussion button will appear so you can start conversations and ask specific questions, you will also get email notifications about replies etc. Plus there is a monthly chemo club hopefully you won't need it, but it's there if you do.

    Hope this helps a bit, take care, G n' J