The Loss Of A Loved One

1 minute read time.

i myself have never had cancer, as of yet, but i along with thousands.millions of others, have known someone, lost someone from this disease. This cripling, draining, altering disease.

Most recently i lost my grandfather, whom 6 years ago lost his wife to the same disease, albeit a different part of their bodies being affected.

her heart, his lungs.

Sadly, it has taken me this long to decide to try and help, even if in my own small way. i, after conversing with a few close friends, have decided i would take part  in the 'brave The Shave' campaign, somethingi would never have thought of doing for personal reasons.

But now, those reasons seem redundant, when i remember the look of my loved ones as they slowly faded due to the sickness overtaking, seeing how it changed them and all those around them. 

It might seem strange, to think such a small thing donating can make a big change, whether its to fund further research, or to help those suffering with cancer in different waysk, but every donation does really make a difference.

That is why i will try and donate every chance that i get, along with the donations recieved via my gofundme in aid of the campaign.
