Happy Christmas 2015

1 minute read time.

18/12/15 approx 15:30 hrs 

That was the time I heard the phrase "oh I see something" 

I'm lying left lateral position, happily chilled on midazolam and fentanyl,with a flexi sigmoidoscope up my bum!!!! 

Literally 2 mins prior to that he'd said all looks fine but I'll just retro flex the scope on the way out ( damn that thorough gastro surgeon). Would I have preferred to live in blissful ignorance of "its" existence ??? Uhmmmm ?? 

 I'm a nurse so sort of new how the rest of this visit would go.

Doc: Did you bring anyone with you today?

Me: Nope

Doc: who's picking you up?

Me: My Hubby

Doc: Fab lets wait til he arrives and we'll have a proper chat. 

As a nurse I know how those proper chats go, always in a little room away from the bustle of the ward but hey ho.

To cut a long story short he'd found something and was pretty certain it was malignant. He'd taken biopsies and I could go home try not to worry and wait for results and plan of action.

In the meantime you need an urgent CT and MRI for staging!!!!

This is when one of those speech bubbles pop out from my head with the words "I'm totally screwed" in it. I'm clearly not screwed yet as I'm writing this but it's been a hell of a journey thus far. 

The car journey home with Hubby was a hoot
