Day 1

1 minute read time.

On the 3rd of july .the eve of my birthday, mum Text to say . Sorry cant put a pic up on fb for your birthday im in too much pain to think straight.

And so my journey began. I joined the lea valley half marathon, to do somthing productive . Well it actually started with me signing up for the full marathon! Completely by mistake. So now im trying to run through this thick cloud of despare and fear thats enveloping me and my sister.

Today is the 7th of august, so you see its been a month since the text to say she was hurting. Scans and biopsys have now been done. Stage 3b advanced uterine cancer. 

Iv been talking everyday with her even went up to her home last week with my daughter who, by the way, emegrated last thursday . Off to the good old USA.

Upto date with how mums feeling. She says her tummy hurts so much shes having to lay flat. Sitting is too uncomfortable with pain in her pelvic area and stomach is rock solid she says. She also said shes now passing somthing like stomach bile.? 

Well on tues the 9th mum my sister dad and i are off to peterborough to see the dr. The one my sister and i call 'The buck stops here!'. Only because we seem to have been passed through lots of department very rapidly until now. 

They also want to do a scan on thurs but mum says no it doesnt matter where it is if they cant operate. Which they said is not an option. She said theres no point in doing scans blood tests or anything, shes saying 'leave me to it i dont want your chemicals.'  

So now im going to get on my treadmill and walk 8k my long run in prep for raising as much as i can for cancer research. Bring it on Lea Valley Half Marathon. 4th sept 2016!
