Making sense of things.

1 minute read time.

Decided to write a blog to try and make sense of the last few years.

Mostly it will be me writing about how difficult I am finding it to get back into a 'normal life' and hopefully we will have a laugh and giggle along the way.

So I think that the appropriate place to start is what my life was like before diagnosis.

I had just spent the last three years living and studying in England, having the absolute time of my life. I made such good friends, one of which I am still in contact with now. I travelled to New York and Washington DC and I was even in the White House.

So fast forward graduation, time to let my hair down and have some fun. I returned home and quickly found a job. I was spending time with the friends I missed so much while I was away studying, I passed my driving test and was saving money, all part of the plan to return to England the following year to complete my Masters degree.

Towards November I noticed a ringing noise in my ear, at the beginning it didn't bother me too much, I was too busy working and having fun. The ringing became louder and I began to feel tired, why wouldn't I? I was out to 5am some morning's then getting into work for 7am and doing a full days work on no sleep. The end of November the noise was starting to annoy me, it was effecting my sleep so off to the gp I went. Seen a lovely locum doctor, gave me the once over before diagnosing a sinus infection or in the worst case tinnitus.So off iI went happy as Larry to the pharmacy to pick up my medication for my sinus. In the meantime I was busy buying Christmas presents and went Christmas shopping with my sister to buy the last few bits and pieces for the family.

After using the medication for a week, the was no improvement so back to the gp I went, only this time I would not be skipping to the pharmacy for a prescription, I would be rushing to A&E.
