'Your blood test is abnormal'

3 minute read time.

In the few days after seeing the locum I was using my medication as directed but not really seeing any improvment. I was not worried too much as the gp said if that didnt work he could send me to the local hospital to see ENT who may be able to shine some light on the problem.

That week in November I was off work on holiday, I spent the majority of my time with my friends, we went to the cinema and went out for the night. The following week my sister and I decided to go shopping to the city for the last few items we needed for Christmas. I had a good day but by this stage a few people had commented that I was looking a bit pale. After all im Irish, we never see the sun, it was winter, i was not getting my proper sleep.

As directed, 7 days later I returned to the gp surgery after my medication did nothing to help the ringing in my ears. This time I seen a doctor who I seen a few months before with a sore throat. I described the noise in my ears, showed him the medication I received the previous week then it was time for him to try and diagnose the problem. He listened to my chest, checked my blood pressure all fine in that department. He then looked in my eyes and thought I was a little pale. He then suspected I may have a bleeding ulcer or was pregnant, to which i was horrified that he would even suggest this in front of my mum lol

So I was sent for a blood test then told to go home and he wpuld ring with the results. After the test I went over to my nannys house to see if she needed any shopping or any cleaning done. Around lunch time my phone rang, it was the gp I had seen that morning, he told me my blood results were back and that they were abnormal. He informed me to get home pack a bag and go to the local A&E as they were expecting me. At this stage I was a little worried, why such urgency? I convinced myself I maybe had a blood clot or something as they run in my family.

So off mum and I went to the local A&E. I had just reported to reception when a doctor opened a door and asked me to follow him. I sat down with my over night bag and he asked me what had brought me today, symptoms, are you pregnant etc. He checked my temp...again all fine. He looked my blood results up on his computer amd agreed that they were most abnormal. I felt fine so he let me go back out into the waiting room to wait my turn. At this stage i was hungary, i missed my lunch and really needed something. Mum and I agreed that we will probably have to wait at least 4 hours to get seen, so we made our way to the cafe for sandwiches and tea. We had just bought our tea, when i seen a male student nurse with ginger hair walking about with a wheelchair. As we were going past her said are you Miss ? I said yes, he said i am here to collect you. I laughed, you must have me mixed up woth someone else, im fine and perfectly capable of walking. He said 'it was his orders to come and collect me as the doctors were ready to see me' so instead of arguing I got into the wheelchair and off through A&E we went, with my mother trying to keep up while carrying two teas and a packet of sandwiches.

The student nurse brought me into a kind of ward place that i have never been before, it had all these machines and there was a lot of doctors around. I got up onto the bed and once again was examined, stomach felt, temp taken are you pregnant ( by this stage i was getting cross with this question) I was put on a heart monitor and another blood test was ordered. I began to wonder when exactly in the hospital i was, then an ambulance man came flying through the door with someone who had just taken an overdose and i quickly realised I was in the resus bay. That is when I began to get nervous as I knew only the sickest patients get brought to resus.

My blood results quickly came back and I could tell by the nurses face something was very wrong. The doctor calain 
