Yearly scan to reveal strange pooing behaviour?

1 minute read time.

Jeez!! The font on this thing is very small! No matter....

Ok, so it's been a year since I found out that after 6 months worth of somewhat tortuous chemo, and then 6 months of recovering from it, my cancer had returned to my bowel and rectum, with some spread into my lymph. I had a CT, MRI, and PET scan back then, the last of which was very revealing in terms of the alarming size of my returned tumour. I hadn't had a scan since until last Wednesday, and was hoping to discover a little better why I have been, for......hmm......a few months now, pooing regularly out of my bum (as a normal person would) even though my rectum is stapled at the top and I have had my large intestine removed.

The results were very interesting! I had a look with my excellent palliative care consultant, who pointed out where air was showing on the scan, where various organs were, and in regard to the above, the tumour inside my rectum. This is a likely cause apparently of much of my regular discharge of liquid along with some fibrous solid. I was pooing up to about 6 times a day from my bum for a month or two recently, sometimes with some blood, which calmed down a few weeks ago to about two to three times a day, and the amount of output reduced significantly, as did the number of bloody poos. The delicate nature of the cancer tissue of the rectal tumour is apparently probably largely responsible for the aforementioned - I understand it easily breaks down/sheds pieces...... 
