The day before

Less than one minute read time.

Well here i am the day before my hormone injection and i am not even sure what hormone i am being given i have read all the possible side effects, and begining to wonder if this treatment is worse than the cancer itself.

I have a massive feeling of life as i know it ending and a new one filled with self doubt, failure, and being less of a man begining with no reassurance, that normal proceedings will resume after a given period of time.

And if i get told one more time oh well its only prostate cancer loads of men get it and survive, i will bloody burst, yeah loads of men die from it as well or end up living a life incomplete.

  • FormerMember

    HI hope your op went OK, my brother got diagnosed with penile cancer a year ago, had to have a full removal of his Penis but unfortunately it has spread he gets no treatment as he's to weak I know it's hard for you, but keep fighting and keep your chin up xx