It couldn't happen to me

1 minute read time.


I'm a 57 year old guy who had always loved sports football and squash were my favorites, both played hard no quarter given or asked, nowadays the results of those many battles have reduced me to golf, but still competitive and played with the best bunch of guys ever (all ex footballers who still enjoy a beer and a laugh.

Then March 2016 came an unexpected bombshell , after struggling a bit with the water works and a reoccurring lower back pain I took myself off to the doctors.

Off for a bloodtest PSA slightly raised 3.9 back for internal examination, slightly firm prostate, with nodules on right hand side, activate private healthcare plan off to BMI at Winchester, further bloodtest PSA up 9.6

Unable to have MRI due to pacemaker being fitted 7 years ago for SSS

Straight onto Biopsy.

Results day in I breeze no worries, just an enlarged prostate I can hear my consultant saying , not unfortunately the biopsy shows you have prostate cancer gleason score 7.

So the journey begins, one positive is I'm clear at the moment of secondaries, bone and CT scan clear.

This Wednesday I start my hormone injections which appears to be a bit of a lottery as far as the side effects go, but I'm not looking forward to it, 

I am intending to update this blog regulary hoping it will encourage other newly diagnosed guys to keep positive and share their feelings 
