My story

2 minute read time.


So I've been getting a little annoyed recently about the lack of information on VIN3 and everything to do with it! So I thought I would start this blog to give a bit of incite on my story and hopefully with the help of others make the vagina less of a taboo subject!!!

I'm currently 25, and have been dealing with this since I was 22 ( youngest my consultant has come across) 

It all started with a small lump on the lower inside right of the got bigger & bigger & bigger....I was constantly passed from pillar to post. Initially I was told it was a skin tag, then warts and had to try all the treatments for said conditions! Obviously didn't work. 

After what felt like an eternity of screaming and crying I was eventually given a punch biopsy....under local (which didn't work) very nearly kicked doctor in the face!!!!! This then revealed VIN3.

Obviously not knowing what VIN3 was, & Google screaming CANCER CANCER CANCER I needless to say shit myself!!! 

I was sent to a consultant in colposcopy who also fought tooth & nail to get the funding to do a smear test (apparently it's really expensive to scrape a 22 year old cervix as opposed to 25) 

Low & behold the cervix came back with CIN3 as well! Go me!!! 

My first surgery was a LLETZ to the cervix - it didn't hurt! So if your due one please don't worry - I'd liken it to period pains a few days post op.

Initially we tried the Aldara immiqod for the outer vulva area....I can honestly say I wanted to rip my vagina off & throw it at the wall!!! All I can liken those three months of vagina hell to is sitting on hot burning broken glass - it didn't work for me BUT apparently has worked wonders for other so don't rule it out! 

After the Aldara the only other option was wide local excision.... 

To date I have had 5 of these.... All under general.

Post Op - no sexy time...obv 

Showers no baths 

Keep area as dry as poss - near on impossible 

The pain is not nice...again at these times I want to rip my vagina off and throw it at the wall. At won point in my irrational post op- ness I couldn't eat dinner sitting down so I burst into tears & ran in the the kitchen to eat my dinner standing like a mad woman.

I am due to see my consultant again very soon as surprise surprise it's back rearing his ugly little head with a vengeance!! The pain & irritaion is a little bit to much today - so apologies if I'm ranting! 

Mentally - I feel I am coping well, not adult well but well enough. I am just super p**sed off that there if no info anywhere!! I'm in pain today & not even google can tell me what I can and can't take! Other people's lack of knowledge, understanding & embarassment irritates me to. It's a came out of one! Get over it!!!! 

I'd love to hear any one else's rants, treatments, experiences! Always here if you want to talk! 

You are all Queens now rock your vaginas & lets kick cancers butt!!!!! 

