I don't normally

3 minute read time.

I never thought I would write my own blog but today I feel the need too. 

I'm 31 and was diagnosed with breast cancer in June 2016.  I found a lump in April ( the 25th to be precise!) went to the doctors on the Monday and was referred to the breast clinic. Waited on an appointment arriving, which came for the 2nd of June. I arrived for my appointment and saw the registrar. He told me that he thought it was a fibromyalgia and that it was nothing to be concerned about. I was to go for an ultrasound and that was all I would need. So I went for the ultrasound and I got the dreaded " I need to get the senior radiologist" ding ding ding alarm bells start ringing in my head. 
Being a staff nurse I knew this was not going to be great news. She came in scanned me and I asked what she found.  She asked if I was booked in for a mammogram and I said no she said she thought I would need one as she had seen something that she wasn't happy with and wasn't prepared to send me home without it being checked out further.
Might have been a coincidence but as I walked out the room the lady that does the mammograms was there. So taken upstairs 6 done in total. Sat in the waiting room and saw the breast cancer nurse walk into the consultants room, so I knew it wasn't going to be good news.  
I went into the room and was told matter of fact that they were 95% sure that it was breast cancer and they needed to do a biopsy, that was done and the second set of waiting began. 
Went away for the weekend back to my hometown and went back to the clinic on the Tuesday the 14th June. Went with my mum and was told for definate that it was breast cancer. A grade 2 invasive ducal breast cancer around 22mm X 22mm X 21mm. And that my WLE and node removal would be the 22nd of June. Fine no problem.  
Got to the hospital on the 22nd for my op. Saw a different breast care nurse who told me that I was probably going to get chemo whereas I had been told there was a slight chance. I would also get radiotherapy and then tamoxifen. That would send me into early menopause and had I thought about getting my tubes tied or a hysterectomy? I'm 31! This was my first ever operation and the thought of all this before it probably didn't help calm my nerves! Was supposed to be second on the list, but my radiation didn't arrive in time for me to go to theatre so I was now last. Ten minutes later I'm being taken to get the injection as its arrived. Get taken to theatre at around half 12 and woke up at 14:40. Back to the ward and I got more painkillers as was feeling a bit rough! Saw no doctors after that just the nursing staff. No one told me what to do with my dressings other than taking the outer dressing off after three days. No shower until then. #littlesthobo 
Had a shower on the third day. Called the treatment nurse to see if they could advise me with what to do with the dressings. Told not to shower again and leave them on as long as possible. Call from the breast care nurse that I saw before my op on the wed and she told me that I could shower. Totally feeling like I'm being pushed from pillar to post with info and don't know where to go.
Booked in for my follow up with the breast care nurse today 4th July only to get a phone call to say that there were no results back as the pathology lab had not received my tumour until Tuesday 6 days after my operation. 

So now we wait again ........................

  • FormerMember

    Hello daisy

    Sorry to hear you've a rough start to treatment - being told you have breast cancer is hard enough but then to get an unclear treatment plan and conflicting messages must make it harder, but you have started treatment so are on the road to recovery.

    I just wanted to let you know, if you haven't seen it already, that there is a very active breast cancer group you can join on this site - it's a lot more active than the blog page and great source of support and info from other women in similar situations.

    I hope the rest of your treatment is a bit smoother and you get the pathology results soon - the waiting is bloody hard isn't it

    Take care


  • FormerMember

    Which ever hospital your under.

    Go to their PALS centre, their MacMillan information centre, your GP

    Do not be confused and left to your own devices your cancer your journey, you tell them to stop and look over everything again, your too young to not be given all the best advice