
1 minute read time.

Hi my name is Elizabeth I live on the Gold Coast Queensland Australia. My husband was diagnosed with plueral mesothelioma in june 2015. The doctors gave him 12to14 months to live. He has had chemo which made him so sick,the chemo kept the meso at bay for some 6 weeks. As chemo is no longer an option & operating is out of the question, we have no option now but to wait for the inevidtable to happen. I feel helpless, this hideous disease has taken not only my husbands life its taken mine as well. Its out of our control & not a very nice feeling. I have asked the doctors what will happen, I am told repeatedley ,"just take every day as it comes" one of the doctors told us to complete our "BUCKET" list, my answer to that was "What to be able to walk a short while without not being able to breath". What doctors don't realise, watching a loved one die is the most shocking experience a person can go through.My husband has been going along quite well until a month ago. He now has continual pain,constipation,loss of appetite,can't pee,has to use a walker to walk a short distance,his breathing is terrible and now to top it all off he is having trouble swallowing due the flem that has built up in his throat.Does anyone know how bad it gets near the end? I want to know what to look for as my husband wants to stay at home he does not want to go to hospital. Just think ,if we didn't have WAR and waste so much money on killing people there would be plenty of money for cancer research a cure would be possible, our loved ones would not have to suffer this crippling disease. Elizabeth xxx
