Triple Negative BC

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Its been a while since I have posted on here so I thought I would take the opportunity today.

My wife (Shirley) has had a bit of a journey in the past 7 years with BC. She finished chemo (Carboplatin) on the 8th March this year after having 8 treatments from September, during this time she had to have 2 blood transfusions.

Approximately 6 weeks ago she noticed a change in her breast area and contacted her Consultant and saw her in clinic she sent Shirley or a bone scan and CT scan. The bone scan was fine but the CT showed that the cancer had spread to her lymph nodes on the opposite side from the ones removed an also she now has fluid around her lungs which has not been there previously.

She has just started on Eribulin, she will be having it over a 21 day cycle her next treatment will be on the 19th July. So far she has not been feeling too bad on this treatment.
