Feeling lost

2 minute read time.

It is a shame that we are all here for a reason, and that we are here because something terrible has happened to us.

Well, where do I begin

It started two years ago when I was back in sixth form studying for my a-levels. Mum had a bad cough for a very long time, she decided she should go to the doctors just for a check up, didn't think much of it. Then she had some scans, results come back and they found a mass on bottom of her left lung- caner. The most horrific word. At the time it was the worst possible news but looking back now and comparing to the situation now it seems like nothing. Mum had bottom of her left lung removed successful and followed up with round of chemotherapy to make sure it was all gone.

During that time I managed to sit my a-level exams and get into university! Last summer, we found out that the cancer had come back and spread to both lungs. It was terminal, I was heart broken at this time I was at university and felt so lost I didn't know what to do. Mum tried many different types of chemotherapy 3 or 4 and nothing could keep it at bay.

Mum got many infections from the low immune system, which had a knock on affect with rest of her body. She grew extremely weak and her breathlessness got worse. She's been having to have oxygen mask on all the time.

A few days ago the worst possible news could happen to our family, I'm still slowly trying to get to turns with it. Mum is in a hospice, I had to rush back from university. Mum sat me down that day and held my hand and told me she was dying. She told me that it could be weeks or months. She told me to be brave, and that she wants me to carry on being at university as she is so proud. I've never felt so much pain as I do now, I had to leave the room run outside I was nearly sick I didn't want to believe what I was believing.

More than anything I feel so guilty for mum, she's in pain and I told her to stop fighting if she in pain. She is so weak and I hate seeing her like that. I also hate being away from her at university. I am now going home every weekend as I can't bare being away from her.

My mind is all over the place right now, I don't know what life is going to be like without her she is my best friend she's a HUGE part in my life. I can't not talk to her everyday.

Why is life so unfair, I feel too young for my mum to be taken away from me.

Is anyone else in similar situation or age?

  • FormerMember

    Take one day at a time pet. 

  • FormerMember

    Hi JemmaP,

    I'm so sorry to hear about your mum - I don't really know what to say that might make things seem better in such an awful situation and I can't imagine what you must be feeling. I just wanted to let you know that you're not alone in being so young with a mum who has cancer, and I hope that might give you some comfort... I know it makes me feel very lonely sometimes as it's hard to find someone in a similar situation. I'm 19 and my mum was diagnosed with small cell lung cancer in November, which has spread to multiple other places - she's undergoing chemo and radiotherapy which is having some good effects but when it comes to it her cancer is incurable and terminal.

    I completely identify with what you said about feeling too young to lose your mum, it feels so unfair doesn't it?! I thought that by definition mums are meant to be around to see you graduate and to be there in your future, but apparently that's just not meant to be for everyone. Something I've found since my mum's diagnosis is that it's really changed our relationship, I really value my time with her so much more and it's made me appreciate her as a whole person (not just as my mum, but as a fashion student and all the other aspects of her life, if that makes sense?). I'm having similar internal conflicts about uni - I took a gap year (we had no idea how ill my mum was at this point, I'm so thankful that I did it, looking back!) but I'm due to go off to University at the end of this September. Throughout her illness, Mum has always been really pragmatic and selfless and encouraged me to not put my life on hold for her etc, e.g. to take a volunteering placement abroad this past spring, and to carry on with University as I'd planned to.

    Honestly, I'm really fearful that Mum will be very ill by this point when I will be away from home and unable to help care for her and spend so much time with her - I've just got no idea what kind of health she'll be in, or (sadly) if she'll even be with us any more.

    I've just kind of rambled about my situation there, I don't really know what to say to try and make things seem better (I don't think anyone has much of an idea) but I'd be happy to be a listening ear as someone in a similar situation, age-wise. Be kind to yourself and know that your mum loves you unimaginable amounts - she knows you feel the same about her too. Like JLD said, take one day at a time. I've also found that there are more people around you than you'd think who want to help you, in so many forms.

    Sending you lots of love.
