A short absence with some appointments

1 minute read time.

Hello again friends

After a short time away, I thought I would put in a blog post, to share our journey so far

hope you have been all well in the meantime xx

Since my last post,  my love Pannie has had two tests.  Please excuse the simple way I write this!  Im learning fast though

Pannie had a tissue biopsy of the gland in his lung which we were told was swollen 'a little like tonsils would be swollen with tonsillitis'    They came back, and we were told the test was inconclusive

A couple of days ago I drove him to hospital to have a PETIC scan.  We are now awaiting the result of this. 

Now what I am super anxious about, is the next test.  The Dr said they want him to have a needle in his chest or something, which will involve 'day surgery' mildly sedated, where they will make a hole in his chest wall.

God, now I am really nervous for him.

In the meantime he has been ordered to ditch sitting in front of the tv daily, and do 2 hours of walking a day.  Well   hhmph.. they dont know my Pannie *rolleyes*.. so I thought to get some sort of movement from him, I have gently asked him to do some household clearing.  So, he is now actively taking part in 'removing the cobwebs' from the shed, garage, and emptying the attic...  jobs which he has 'put off' for 20 years  ... things that I often reminded him of, that fell on deaf ears.

In my private mind I have called this misson 'stopping the coffin'   and I am hoping it will prepare him and increase his fitness performance level for his day surgery

Can someone please relax my mind by maybe informing me of information about this test that cuts the chest?  Dont even know what it is medically known as!

Also I feel the medics are keeping info to themselves at the moment (I guess they cant say until tests are official) but they are mentioning plans for 'aggressive therapy' 

again, I have no idea....

Needless to say I am extremely grateful for your opinion and feedback, and of course your experiences if you can relate to these tests for lung cancer

Much love

Sallytude xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Sallytude,

    I was diagnosed with lung cancer a couple of months ago, had the pet scan and the lung biopsy through my back, probably depends on which part of the lung your cancer is whether they go back or front.  Had mine done at North Manchester and it was quite painless. Tell him not to worry. I have now had radiotherapy with the new stereotactic method which is good for lungs. Only five sessions over alternate days so quite quick.  I return on the 27th July to see the consultant and hopefully the result  will be good.

    I am determind not to let this beat me and refuse not to be happy, Hope you and Pannie have good luck and the treatment works.

    Sending love and hope,
