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65 minute read time.
Posted Tuesday 31st May 2016
It's a cold, windy and pouring with rain day today as the month of May draws to a close. It seems like a good time to reflect briefly on how things have gone since I started back in ministry on May 1st. 
Overall, I think that it's been Ok - there have been one or two days when overcrowding my diary has meant that I've felt really tired as the day wore on and in the evening I was left feeling really tired. Most days I'm crashing out early and am often in bed by 10 or 10.30.  Being back at the altar on a Sunday has felt really good. Not sure whether I should confess to this but almost all of the time I was off I didn't miss being 'in charge'! Sunday's came and went and I tried to get to church as often as I could, but most slipped by as I felt too poorly to go anywhere. I think that sometimes I needed to give myself to what was going on in me, and to allow what I used to do so regularly as a part of my life and faith to carry on. I think that knowing that others were there leading and worshipping, sharing in the Eucharist was enough to sustain me. Of course priest frends came to bring me the Sacrament and those times were so important, and I'm very grateful for all those visits.
Sundays have changed and the biggest change is not having to dash between the churches. The tension of keeping an eye on the clock so as not to be late was always in the background. Now I can just enjoy the fellowship and 'hanging around' at the end of a service knowing that things in the other parishes are being looked after by others. Quite how priests cope in larger Benefices of 5+ parishes is beyond me. I remember reading an article about a Vicar (from the Lincoln Diocese I think) who spent most of his Sunday's travelling around and dashing inbetween the services from one parish to another. Thankfully my Diocese is now exploring a scheme for training Lay Leaders of Worship to enable services to continue when a Preist is not available. With the huge number of Priests (including me) who are approaching retirement and there not being enough Ordinands to take their place the church is going to have to do some serious thinking about developing leaders of worship. Lay Readers (now called Readers) are a precious resource but there's not enough of them to cover all the ministry required, so it will be interesting to see how the devoping role of LLW works out in S Albans. I'm certainly looking for people who might want to consider undertaking the training for this.
Trying to do less in the evenings seems to be working. PCC meetings at Dunton and Wrestlingworth have been held in the day time which has turned out to be convenient for everyone. Eyeworth is yet to meet but this will have to be in an evening due to members work commitments. Involvement with the 2 church schools is being staged too. I've met with the Headteacher and Chair of Governors to talk about what's possible. Hopefully taking Collective Worship regularly and attendance at the Governors' meetings will begin in September. In the meantime I am welcome to do what I can and to visit the schools.
I went to the May Chapter meeting and it was so good to meet up again with clergy colleagues. The Deanery has to prepare for a visit by Bishop Richard in November to introduce new ideas and expressions of Living God's Love, the Diocesan vision and focus for miassion. That will be the priority over the next few months in both Chapter and Synod.
Side effects cointinue to hang around. I've got pins and needles in my finger tips - these are persistent and makes my fingers quite numb. One difficulty I've discovered is when distributing the Bread at Holy Communion - I can't feel as well as I should each wafer and I'm conscious of concentrating hard to try to pick each one up as I administer. I'm stil unsteady as I wlak and it probably looks as though I'm drunk! My speech is a little slurred especially when I'm not thinking about what I say. I've been to see a speech and language therapist who's given me exercises to do and ways to manage the problem. So slurred speech and wobbliness together could make some people think I've definitely had to much to drink! As I said above tiredness remains an issue. I've had nagging discomfort in my right hip and am to have an x-ray on this. I asked the surgein when I saw him a few weeks ago, if this may have been caused by some technique during the colorectal operation but he seemed to think not. I've also had a very sharp pain in my left shoulder which feels like arthritis. I've had this in previous winters but it seems more persistent this year. My wound appears to be healing at last - the Community Nurses are still visiting to keep an eye on it. Hopefully this will sort itself out soon. As usual my thanks for the continuing prayer and support which I am so conscious of. People keep telling me that my name is still included on their church prayers list - for that I am so grateful.
Posted on Friday 20th May 2016
And there's more.......
I saw the colorectal surgeon a week ago who checked my wound which had reopened during chemo. He thought it would heal and that no further intervention was needed apart from the continuing visits of the Community Nurses to keep keep an eye on it.
Yesterday I had an appointment with the specialist stoma nurse at hospital because my stoma was swelling.It appears that a parastomal hernia has occurred. I was fitted for that wonderful fashion statement of support pants and a prescription was issued. Only 4 pairs a year are allowed which equates to one pair every three months.They'll wear out before the year is over.
On the way home I was startled by the emotional reaction that was bubbling up - a seemingly 'little thing' compared to the really big stuff I've been through in the past year. I can't remember crying during the year but when I took the prescription request down to the GP surgery I almost lost it in reception. A few moments while I composed myself and I was OK. Wow, it just goes to show that feelings, emotions, reactions can surface at any time and catch us unaware.
I feel I am a very different person now compared to when I started out a year ago - a changed bloke. Going from being relatively fit and never having been ill before I crash, at the age of 62, into the diagnosis and everything changes. It's difficult to describe or explain how things have changed but I know they have.
Posted on Monday May 16th 2016
The past week has gone well - busy days and days more evenly paced. The funeral of one of our ladies at Wrestlingworth was held on Thursday, it was a good congregation of people from both church and community. In the evening I went to support Rachel Pennant who was being Inducted as Vicar of Hoddesdon - Rachel had been Curate of Biggleswade for the past almost 4 years and a very good member of the Deanery Clergy Chapter and Deanery Synod. She and her follow Curate, Mark Newman (Eaton Socon) had given a joint presentation to the Deanery Synod of their training experiences for Ordination. It was very enlightening for people to learn what it's like to train for Ordination in the Church of England. I did suggest that they might give another presentation on their experiences as Curates but we ran out of time. Mark has also moved to work in a support role as Forces Chaplain in Oxford.
On Saturday the PCC of Dunton met in the morning. This is a new venture because evenings for me aren't so good. I'll keep this meeting time under review and see if changes need to be made.
Yesterday was the first of the new monthly Benefice Services which I introduced as I returned to ministry earlier this month. We held the Eucharist for Whit Sunday at Wrestlingworth and it was well supported.It feels good to be back Presiding - I always remember being told that the normal discipline for the People of God was to be with the Lord's People, on the Lord's Day around the Lord's Table. That seems to me to be the right thing to do. Priest and People together sharing in worship and Eucharist.
This coming week there is not so much in the diary which is good - I need time to rest and reflect. Tiredness remains an issue to manage. I'm conscious that the garden isn't getting the attention it needs - I'll have to play catch up later.
Posted on 9th May 2016
Well the weekend passed - very hectic and lots of things happening not least being at the Cathedral for the Canon making ceremony on Saturday. It was a joyful and lovely service. Four of us were Installed and a photo of us turning to be Installed by the Dean is below. We were made to feel very welcome and there was wine and nibbles to enjoy at the end.
On Sunday I went to preside at Eyeworth Parish Church - it felt strange but right to be there and to lead once again. Just seven plus me in the congregation and we made a joyful sound as we celebrated the Ascension with traditional hymns. In the evening I felt so tired that I was going up to bed at just after 9pm!!
Today (Monday) Melanie and I went to to see my colorectal surgeon at Hertford County Hospital. This was primarily because of the surgical wound which was damaged as I went through chemotherapy. The hospital was really nice - a new build. We arrived early and were seen well before my appointment time - in fact we were leaving for home before I was supposed to have been seen. The surgeon was happy with the wound and thought it would heal as time went by. He said it was early days following the end of chemotherapy. We talked about other issues and it all felt a lot happier than this time last year when I was just beginning the treatment pathway. 
When I read back through this blog of happenings I can hardly believe that so much has happened. It's been good to keep this page as a reminder of all that's happened. My thanks to the NHS and everyone involved in my care and treatment.
Posted on Monday 2nd May 2016
Yesterday went well as I returned to ministry and Presided at my first Parish Eucharist service in the Benefice at Dunton Parish Church. Everyone was very welcoming and was as delighted to see me as I was to see them. It felt really good to be at the Altar again leading the People of God in worship and Communion. I shared a little about what was still going on and the side effects which are hanging around. The Gospel reading was the words of Jesus saying to his disciples, 'Peace I leave with you, my own peace I give to you.' I used those as the basis for my sermon saying  that the peace from Jesus comes in the midst of challenges, illnesses and problems rather than pretending they are not a part of our lives. They are the same words used at funeral services - I can't begin to count the number of funerals I have used them at and in my more desperate moments in the past year I imagined them being used at my funeral service!
I felt quite tired in the afternoon but we had some lovely friends join us for lunch and any tiredness soon disappeared. A long lazy lunch is very relaxing and we had a lovely time talking and enjoying lunch wonderfully prepared by Melanie.
This coming week is not too busy - I have a few things in my diary to try and work out the best way to ease myself back into ministry in the Benefice. On Saturday my Istallation as Honorary Canon which takes place at the Cathedral at 4pm.
Next Sunday (May 8th) I will be Presiding at Eyeworth Parish Church at 9.30am - the week after (May 15th) it will be a Benefice Eucharist at Wrestlingworth at 10.30am.
Posted on Tuesday 26th April 2016
My final week on sick leave has begun. I'm very conscious of the need not to leap back into 'ministry mode' at the same level of intensity as before. I have spoken to the Church Councillors of Dunton, Eyeworth and Wrestlingworth and they are very supportive and caring in telling me not to rush in to pick up where I left off. The main change will be the Sunday services - in that I am only able to take one service at one church each week. I'm not going to do the Sunday Dash between churches. My friends and colleagues who have helped over the past months are all happy to continue to do so, so each church will still have a service each week. I have introduced a monthly 'Benefice Service' usually a Eucharist on the third Sunday each month held around the Benefice on a rota basis. It will be important to advertise as widely as possible these new arrangements so that people know the details. Health wise I am still getting very tired as the day wears on, my walking is still unsteady and I am forgetful (chemo legs and chemo brain!). The pins and needles in my finger tips still bother me as does the colorectal wound which is still being cared for the Community Nurses every other day. I have an appointment to see my surgeon in a few weeks time to talk about this. These issues are all manageable but are beginning to get VERY tiresome. (but thankful that I am alive!)
This week I'm trying to pick up dates and happenings, in the life of the Benefice and Deanery, which need to go in my diary. I shall have to be careful about what I can do and for the time being choose how my days pan out. 
On this day last year we were told by my surgeon of the treatment pathway leading to Radio/Chemo Therapy, a kidney operation then a few later the colorectal surgery - gosh it hardly seems possible when I read back through my appointments log at just how much was planned for me, and how much actually happened. Thank you again for your prayers, love and support over these months. Thank you too to the NHS which has been amazing in the standard of care and treatment and all the individuals and teams who have dealt with me.
Posted on Monday 11th April 2016
It was announced in the Benefice yesterday that I am to be made Honorary Canon of The Cathedral and Abbey Church of St Alban. This is a great honour and the invitation from Bishop Alan (Bishop of St Albans)  came out of the blue in Holy Week. In the past week the churchwardens were asked by +Alan to make the announcement at the Sunday services. The Installation will take place during Evensong on Saturday 7th May at 4pm in the Cathedral. Parishioners, friends and colleagues are invited. 
Health wise, I am continuing to be seen by the Community Nurses who have visited faithfully since I was discharged from Lister following my Colerectal surgery. As mentioned in my earlier reports, the chemotherapy which followed the operation opened up the colorectal wound and although it is a small opening it is quite deep. The nursing team spoke to my Colorectal Specialist Nurse who asked them to refer me to the Tissue Viability Team at Royston who hopefully will be able to suggest further treatment to get this sorted. Apart from the feeling of pins and needles in my finger tips (which makes it difficult to do up shirt buttons or perform other fine motor skills), unsteadiness when I walk, the wound is the most persistent side effect from Chemo. The Community Nurses are absolutley fantastic in their care as they visit every other day to pack and dress the wound. It is not painful but it is uncomfortable sitting, standing and moving. I hope that this can get sorted out as soon as possible. I am usually quite good at recovering from cuts and grazes and, although this wound is deeper, I'd rather hoped that it would heal more quickly than it has following the end of Chemo. All in all considering all that my body has been through this problem isn't so bad but I wish it would get better.
A few weeks ago I saw the Urology Nurse to talk about other side effects following surgery. These are unintended consequences of colorectal surgery and the nerve and muscle damage which may be caused in the pelvic area. (Let the reader understand!) They are all manageable but they do take some understanding and getting used to!
Posted on 9th April 2016 article from April-May Village Link at Wrestlingworth
Most of you will have heard that following my final stage of treatment for Bowel Cancer the final scans showed that there was no spread of the disease. Thank you for all the love, prayers, friendship and support from you all. It has been a long journey but through it I felt tangibly sustained and held by the welcome support from all.
It was Feb 25 2015 that I was diagnosed. The treatment plan was formed to deal with the cancer. Following the initial scans Kidney Cancer was also diagnosed. This was unrelated to the bowel cancer. Although it was a very unwelcome discovery I have since learnt that often other cancers are found during tests to ascertain the extent of the original.  It was on March 2 this year that I returned to see my Oncologist to be told the results of the scans following the end of chemotherapy. So the treatment pathway has lasted a little more than a year.
I’m very aware from my ministry over the years that there are many who have to fight a lot longer than a year and that many lose the battle with this terrible disease. I found myself in the company of many travelling the same pathway – I met them at Mount Vernon, some undergoing the most painful radiotherapy, I met them at Lister facing life changing surgery, I sat with them at QE2 waiting for scans. We would sometimes talk about the various treatments we were having – all individually tailored to suit each patient. We sometimes talked about feelings and reactions, our emotional response to the diagnosis and treatment, but for most of us there was just ‘something understood’. Each of us had to walk the diagnosis and treatment pathway, and deal with it, struggle with it, fight it, and sometimes feel overwhelmed by it, in our own way. There is no right or wrong way because it is an individual journey to be made. There are many who walk alongside us. Those who are closest to us, our nearest and dearest, who are perhaps more affected by it, because although they share the journey they are not distracted by the treatment a patient has to undergo. My wider family, friends, acquaintances, people who know me through who I am and what I do, have all rallied to offer support, friendship, love and prayer. Most of all though, Melanie, has been the strength and support in my life and her determination and love have encouraged me along the way.
I cannot praise the NHS enough. The skills and healing gifts of the medical staff, the treatment, surgery, therapy, expert advice and care have been second to none. This support will continue into the future as I will need to have scans and appointments to check how things are. But for now I am so grateful for all those who have helped and supported me, for the strength given by God to face (sometimes feeling scared and frightened) all that has happened to me, and in the future weeks, months and years to do what I can to help others facing serious illness.
I have been speaking to the PCC about the changes which will have to be made to enable me to return to Ministry. I plan to begin a staged return at the beginning of May. I will take one service each Sunday somewhere in the Benefice. My first Sunday at Eyeworth will be May 8 at 9.30am and at St Peter’s on May 15 when there will be a Benefice Eucharist (Communion) at 10.30am. Service times and schedules will be posted on web site as well as on church notice boards and in The Village Link.  Please check them out.
My love and thanks to you all,
Your friend and Rector
Posted on 2nd March 2016 
I posted this on the Beating Bowel Cancer web site this afternoon. 
I went to see the Oncologist this morning following scans a few weeks ago. He gave me the good news that I was clear. What a year it's been - it was Feb 25th 2015 that I was diagnosed with bowel cancer and then following initial scans kidney cancer was diagnosed as well. It meant 2 ops (following chemoradiation) - one at the end of June to remove my right kidney and colorectal surgery in mid August. Then from October to the end of January, I had 6 cycles of chemotherapy. I've been discharged from the cancer care team at Lister and am now back with the Specialist Colorectal Nurses. I saw one of them a few weeks ago and she was pleased with my progress and I will see her again in June. No doubt by then I will have appointments for more scans to keep an eye on me.  During the past year I have kept a kind of blog on (on The Rectors page) - if you have time and /or the inclination you might want to dip into it. I now start a different kind of journey - the first is getting to a point where I can return to ministry in my parishes - this is planned for the beginning of May. The other, perhaps more significant point, is getting used to life in a different way post treatment. Living with a permanent colostomy, learning to work and live in a different context. Anticipating the next scans and check ups, living with life limiting effects of surgery. It'll be life in a different landscape.Thank you to everyone who has supported me along my treatment pathway. I'm aware that for some their news is bleak. My thoughts and prayers to all who walk this journey.
Posted on Wednesday 2nd March 2016
Just to let you know that I've been given the all clear from the Consultant Oncologist this morning. A real answer to all the prayers, love and support you have given over the past year. Thank you, it's meant so much to myself and Melanie to know of the support you have given. 
I have been discharged from the Oncology department and am now back under the care of the Colorectal Nursing Team. I saw one of them a few weeks ago and will see them again in June. By then, no doubt, I will also have an appointment for another scan just to keep an eye on things.
I can now think more clearly about my return to ministry which is planned for the beginning of May.
Do pass on this news to others who may be asking.
Love and blessings
Posted on Friday 19th Feb 2016

Just a quick update. Now that my chemotherapy has ended,  we went to see the Colorectal Nurse last Monday at the Lister. She was very nice and we had a chance to ask loads of questions. She examined me and was very pleased with the progress made since the colorectal surgery in August.The unsteadiness when I walk continues to be an challenge as does the slurred speech especially when I'm tired - but hopefully these things will pass as time goes by. My colorectal wound is still a problem and the Community Nurses come to visit every other day to dress it and check that all is OK. They have been visiting me since I was discharged from the Lister in August last year, and have been amazing as they cared for me. Again hopefully this problem will resolve itself once my platelet levels are restored.  It is wonderful how the body quickly re-establishes itself and begins to get back to it's normal level of efficiency and health. We are indeed wonderfully and fearfully made. I have been given another 'Statement of Fitness for Work' (the old name is a sick note!) and I am hoping to return to ministry at the beginning of May.

Posted on Monday 8th February 2016
Well hip hip hooray, I've taken the last of my chemotherapy tablets at breakfast time this morning. Alleluia! I have been feeling progressively better since last Tuesday when the feeling of nausea disappeared. I still have other side effects (unsteadiness and slurred speech, pins and needles in my fingers, and occasional hiccups, but they're all manageable. 
Last Friday afternoon I went for a CT scan at The Lister. I'd forgotten how long these scans take. I arrived and had to drink some revolting liquid which had been made 'nicer' with orange juice. I then got changed into hospital gowns - the last statement of fashion and waited to be called into the scan room.  I must have looked a sight - a real fashion idol wearing gowns and my brown boots! I'm sure you will know that the gowns never quite do up at the back in a decent way so they give 2 gowns to wear - one from back to front the from front to back. I was called through and lay on the bed. An iv was put into me because they needed to inject some other concoction as the scan was taking place. The scan itself didn't take long and I was sent back to the waiting area to wait for 10 minutes before the iv was taken out. I got changed out of my gowns as quickly as possible and came home. I will know the results of the scan in a few weeks when I go back to see the Oncologist.
Hopefully the end is in sight of this long treatment pathway - radio and chemo therapy, operations, scans, appointments, it's been just a year since the diagnosis was first made. I'm so grateful for all the support, prayers and love which has been shown to me. I have felt, in a powerful. way simply being held in prayer. Thank you.
Posted on 25th January 2016
Well, I'm home now and had a rather lovely cheese on toast for lunch. I've been at The Lister Macmillan Cancer Centre since 8.30 - it took about 4 hours to have the chemo treatment. The hold up was having to have a blood trest to ensure that my platelet level was high enough to merit the chemo. Although they were rather low last Wednesday they had boosted up this morning to 121. Only after this confirmation can the nurses order the chemo concoction. The mixture potency was reduced (the same as last time) by 20%, so hopefully the side effects will be more manageable. I have brought home several boxes of tablets consisting of chemo tablets for the next 14 days and anti side effect tablets. I usually mark up the boxes with the list of days I'll take them, along with how many doses each day. Some are three times, some 2 and some 1 each day.
The nursing staff are unfailingly kind and professional and I thanked they for their care and treatment. They know that having chemo by iv is a potent mixture - I'm sure I've said it sometime ago that a friend likened it to being flushed through with domestos! I think that's a good analogy. Everything in the body is affected by the chemo - good cells and organs along with the bad, in the hope that anything bad will be got rid of and anything good will withstand the treatment. I left a box of chocolates to put on the staff desk by way of thanks to them all. All being well (and in the nicest possible way) that's the last I shall of them and they of me!! Hurrah and triple hurrah!
While in the CC I had a visit from the newest members of the Chaplaincy team - Rachel, who was very nice. She had emailed me about cover while the team are off duty. I hope to return to that ministry as soon as I am able. Jane - another team chaplain, also came to see me, which was lovely.
I'm expecting the Community Nurse to come this afternoon to see to my colorectal wound which will keep me in the system of a visit every other day.
I left a message for the Kidney Specialist Nurse this morning - my appointment to see the kidney surgeon in February has been postponed and a new one made for March. I have been waiting to see him since my discharge from his care as an in-patient in early July. Several appointments over the months had been cancelled by the clinic or I had to cancel them becuase they clashed with the colorectal surgery or recovery, or the chemotherapy I've been on since last October. I'm keen to have the results of any tests which were done on the kidney which was removed. Hopefully they will ring back this afternoon - if not I shall ring them.
So chemo is over. I now wait for a scan appointment and then go to see the Oncologist, Dr Hughes, for the results in early March.
I had a phone call from the Research Nurse re the medical trial about aspirin. She let me know that because I'd had kidney cancer I was not able to take part in the trial. Apprentely you have to be cancer free for 15 years to qualify - apart from Colorectal cancer. O well - it was worth volunteering. 
Posted on 21st January 2016
The current situation is that I'm on week 3 of my 5th cycle of chemo. This means that I'm on a treatment free week, yippee! I saw the Oncologist yesterday and had a blood test. 
The last couple of times my platelet level has been quite low but they had boosted up in time for the IV chemo. The last chemo was reduced by 20% which reduced the side effects making them more manageable. The blood test results showed that once again my platelet level was low - lower than last time. Apparently the low count gets lower every time. If the level has gone up then I will have my 6th and final chemo - hurray!! The Oncologist was very good and spoke to Melanie and I about the treatment - he will now request a CT scan and following that I have an appointment to go back to see him for the results on March 2nd. This is to check whether there has been any spread. 
We asked him about lymph nodes and whether they were shown on scans or were they too small to be seen. Dr Hughes said that they were shown on the scans. He mentioned the possibility of me taking part in a medical trial by taking aspirin for 5 years. There has been a suggestion in other smaller trials that it might work in preventing the spread of cancer. This is a big trial in the UK and India and the results won't be known until 2026 or thereabouts. There might be a problem with me being a part of the trial because of the kidney cancer. We spoke to the research nurses who will check up and let us know.
Apart from that things are ok ish. I like 'ish' to describe how things are. Of all the side effects the worse by far has been nausea - it's been manageable but to have it in the background every day is quite annoying as well as uncomfortable. I've become much more unsteady as the chemo has progressed and I need a walking stick to keep my balance. My speech has become more slurred. An interesting  side effect has been pins and needle in my fingers when they touch a cold surface or just get cold. It tends to be a rather sharp sensation and happens immediately after chemo and lasts for a few weeks. Some patients say that this effect stays with them. Tiredness is an issue too. All these side effects are accumulative so I'm looking forward to the end of the chemo treatment when they will begin to disappear. As I mentioned some time ago, another side effect has been that the colorectal wound has opened so the Community Nurses are now coming every other day to pack it and dress it. Hopefully once the treatment has ended it will heal. They are anxious though to encourage healing from the inside.

Once my final chemo is over, I have a couple of appointments next month - one to see Mr Hanbury - the surgeon who removed my right kidney, just for a post op check up, the other is to see the colorectal nurse again for a follow up following the chemo and colorectal operation.

Posted on 5th January 2016 
I went to the Lister MacMillan Cancer Centre yesterday for a blood test and my 5th chemo cycle. My platelet count had whizzed up to 115 which was well over the lower limit so the nurse ordered the new chemo mix which took an hour to get to me. Then it took 2 hours to administer! I got home. I feel work ish but tired - I didn't sleep too well last night. Dr Hughes spoke about scans which will happen once the chemo cycles have come to an end later this month. I don't have appointments as yet it not doubt they'll come through soon.
We were busy taking the Christmas decorations down in the afternoon; well Harry did most of it! I took the tree down for collection today, but left some fairy lights up for Epiphany.
Harry returns to Foxes Academy, Minehead this Saturday and on Sunday Tom goes back to Birmingham, it'll be strange to just have Sam at home again.
Posted on Jan 3rd 2016
Happy New Year all - I hope and pray that we will know much joy and peace in 2016.
Tomorrow (Jan 4th) I have my 5th chemo session. I'm at the Lister for 8.30am so it'll be an early start as the traffic will be heavy.
Last Wednesday I went to the Cancer Centre for a blood trust and to see the Oncologist. My blood levels were low (mainly platelets) and I will need to have another test before the chemo starts being pumped in tomorrow. This has been a common pattern over the past few cycles so there's nothing unusual.  If they haven't got up to an acceptable level then then the chemo cycle will be postponed for a week. There is an accumulative effect when having chemo so I suspect that each time the levels have got lower and lower.
In my last cycle I completely forgot to take an evening dose of chemo tablets and woke up in the early hours of the morning worrying. I decided not to bother the chemo nurse about it and to carry on as usual simply adding the forgotten dose to the evening of the last day - this was a mistake! When I owned up to it I was told that in the future I wasn't to add a dose on to the end but to forget it and stop when the time had arrived. By taking the extra evening dose I've extended by 12 hours the effects of chemo. O well.......
The Oncologist said that my bone marrow would still be affected by the radiotherapy/chemotherapy I had back in May and June. I was surprised by this because it is more than six months ago. It's amazing how long the effects of drugs and treatment hang around in the body.
I spoke about the several side effects I was experiencing from the chemo - slurred speech, unsteadiness when walking, pins and needles in my fingers, a metallic taste, nausea, the colorectal surgery wound still weeping (the Community Nurses come to visit every other day to dress it and check me out) so Dr Hughes has reduced the potency of the chemo concoction by 20% which should help. I've had 4 full chemo cycles and I'm assuming that they start o the highest level and then adjust the dose as it goes along according to reactions and side effects.
Whe it gets to the day before my chemo cycle begins I start to feel apprehensive - this time it hasn't been so bad, but the apprehension is still in the background. It's not something to look forward to and I will glad when the sessions come to an end. It will take several weeks or months to begin to get over the effects this treatment.
Again my thanks for your thoughts and prayers for Melanie and myself and our families as we have walked this path in 2015- may 2016 bring better health and happiness for us all.
Posted on Friday 18th December 2015
Last Monday I had the 4th of my 6 chemo IV cycles - just 2 more to go in January. It's nice to know that I'm now on the downhill run. The side effects of the oxylipailatin and capecitabine have continued; thankfully they have become a bit more manageable with a change in the way I take the tablets for the 2 weeks following the IV. Oxalipilatin is given through IV and capecitabine through the 2 weeks of tablets (8 each day).
Everyone reacts differently to chemo and a long list is given of the possible effects which may be experienced. Mine have been nausea - easily the worst, peripheral neuropathy - basically pins and needles in my fingers especially when feeling cool surfaces or going in the fridge - hence trying to remember wearing gloves when doing so, wobbliness and loss of balance when standing or walking and fatigue. I'm finding it a problem to walk although I do try every other day or so - I need a stick to help. Hiccups are a problem - these occur in the first week or so each cycle and can be quite persistent to mine and everyone else's annoyance! All these things will pass once the treatment has finished.
The recent news of how cancer develops doesn't help - the latest is that life style, diet, exercise, smoking, drinking are considered bigger factors now than before. I feel I had a fairly balanced diet, didn't drink too much and didn't smoke. I read some academic papers, a few months ago, about cancer discussing the difference between risk and chance. Risk of course is a factor but so too is chance. Those who have a life style which could be said to increase the risk don't always get cancer and those who have a fairly balanced life style sometimes do. It all appears random and chaotic. One thing which has been on my mind is how do we make sense of this. No easy answers. I'm not an academic so reading these reports is a bit like reading a foreign language - but from I have read it seems that the most recent ones reported today, suggest that life style brings a far higher risk than chance. That doesn't account for the randomness of it all. The question for those of us with faith is always where is God in all of this stuff which affects our lives?
It's scary to get this diagnosis and not to know how it's going to work out, the loss of control is quite devastating - just when we think we live life how we want it to be and have a degree of control, the ground suddenly moves from under our feet and we no longer have that certainty. The Christmas story is about God who steps into our world, a world of uncertainty, of catastrophe, of pain and illness, sorrow and death, and shares completely in our human lot. Speaking to us as he shares our birth, life and death - and in the power of the resurrection says that death and destruction will not have the final word. 'I can raise the dead he says' and proves it by becoming the resurrection and the life.
This is likely to be my last post for 2015 - may I say thank you to all of you who have travelled this journey with me. I owe so much to Melanie and our families, the love prayers and friendship of colleagues and friends from the wider church and community, the Diocese and the parishes we are involved in. As we approach this last week of Advent and the Christmas joy begins to dawn may the Christ child bring us joy and fill our hearts with gladness. Thank you.
Posted on Friday 30th October 2015
I have now completed the first of six cycles of chemotherapy and am 'enjoying' a free week from treatment. The side effects of the first cycle were rather rough and I spent 9 days or so lying on the sofa watching day time tv - a mind numbing activity. I'm not able to keep a train of thought so any reading, apart from skipping through the newspaper, is just not possible. I've had to eat in order to take the chemo tablets - although I would rather have not had to. I'm making the most of this week now that I feel like eating a little more. Someone told me that I must eat plenty of cake to build myself up for the next cycle - I am trying. Although I am eating a little more I do feel quite weary and tired. I try to go out for a walk each day and this week I have been able to drive a little.
This past Wednesday I went to The Lister for blood tests and saw the Oncologist who told me that I was fine to continue with the second cycle which will be on Monday morning at the Lister MacMillan Cancer Centre. This will entail a 2 - 3 hour appointment while I'm connected to an IV drip. Once home I then take chemo tablets for 14 days along with all the other little ones to combat the side effects - these (of course) have side effects of their own to contend with!
All being well the sixth cycle will end at the beginning of February when I expect to return to parish ministry. It will have been a long haul (6 months) and even after returning to ministry I will be having  scans and appointments as they keep an eye on me. I don't like wishing time away, but I long for February when the chemotherapy will be behind me.
I am more or less fully recovered from my bowel surgery (this took place on Aug 18th) and am now able to sit comfortably for short periods. The District Nurses see me each week to check the wound and they're pleased with my progress. I see the Specialist Nurses (Colorectal and Stoma) from time to time at The Lister and they are a great help and support.
The only other thing I'm waiting for is an appointment to see my kidney surgeon - I keep getting appointments when either I've been having further surgery or I'm into Chem. Hopefully things will work themselves out so that I see him at some point.
Thank you again for your prayers and support - it means a lot to us that we are being remembered in prayer. We've had many cards, flowers, chocolates, little gifts and visits and we are most grateful for all these things.
Posted on Thursday 13th August 2015
Update on the next step.
Just to let you know that we went to see the colorectal surgeon (Mr Reay-Jones) this morning at the QE11 Hospital. Welwyn Garden City. Everything went Work and the news was that the radiotherapy/chemotherapy has worked and made some change to the cancer, and there was a green light for the operation next Tuesday at The Lister Hospital, Stevenage. I will be told the time to 'check in' but the surgeon said it was likely to be 7am and to be prepared for a bit of sitting around waiting, so to bring a good book. Thankfully I won't have to have the bowel prep I had before my colonoscopy earlier this year - I won't go into the details but suffice to say it was a frequent and fast race to get to the loo!
The procedure will take about 4/5 hours and will be divided into 2 parts - the first on my abdomen when a stoma will be formed (this will be by keyhole), then I'm turned over for the rear end action! - this will be open surgery. I'm likely to be in hospital for up to 10 days - so hopefully I'll be home by a week next Friday, if not earlier. The stoma will be permanent - the cancer is so low down there's not enough 'pipe work' to connect things back up again.
Tomorrow we're going to see the Stoma Nurse at The Lister when no doubt she will fill me in on yet more gory details of stoma care and the mechanics of colostomy bags etc. (Sorry to be so graphic.) There is a UK web site called Colostomy Association which gives loads of info about all kinds of help and support they offer. I'll probably be a frequent visitor! I know it's going to take a lot of getting used to but I've met quite a few people who have had them and seem to have done quite well.
I feel that I've recovered very well since my kidney operation and am feeling more than fit enough for the next step.
Thank you for your continued love and prayers
Posted Monday 20th July 2015
Gosh it doesn't seem like 2 weeks since I last posted an update! Things have been going really well for me - the dressings came off the day following my last post and the wounds are healing nicely. No pain, just a little discomfort - I'm aware of the surgery when I sit or bend. I'm becoming more active - trying to walk every day and the tiredness is wearing off apart from evenings when I feel whacked and need to get to bed. I can't always get comfortable as I try to get to sleep but that's beginning to pass thankfully. I'm now able to drive short distances which gives me some stomaependence and means I can get out to mooch in places other than our village .I sadly had  to miss one church schools leaver's service and the farewell to our head teacher who has now retired.
This coming week I have a CT scan (on Tuesday) and I'm awaiting confirmation of the MRI. Apparently there has to be a minimum of 6 weeks following surgery before an MRI can take place - this is because of any clips which may have been used internally during the operation. The Bowel Cancer nurses are having a conversation to get an MRI asap so that the results can be analysed before I see the colorectal surgeon on Aug 13th.
Posted on Wednesday 8th July 2015
I just wanted to let you know the latest news about my operation.
Last Sunday (June 28th) I was admitted to Lister Hospital in Stevenage for the first of my operations - to have my right kidney removed. The op took place on Monday afternoon - my last memory was looking at the clock on the wall at 1.30pm before I went under. I came off the table at 5.30pm and stayed in recovery for a few hours before being taken back to the ward. Each day saw some small improvement and I gradually got stronger. On Friday I was allowed to come home. Things are still sore and uncomfortable but it's so nice to be home. Melanie has been an absolute star with a lot of extra work. I don't need to see the GP - the stitches will dissolve this week and we should be able to manage the dressings at home. I'm just on paracetamol when needed. I have been given a month off to recover - the first time I've ever had a sick note!
It's going to take a few weeks before I feel like driving. Later this month I have a couple of appointments for scans - an MRI and a CT, just to check how things are in readiness for the colorectal surgery in Aug. The 18th has been pencilled in for this and I'm seeing the bowel surgeon on the 13th when I hope he will confirm the operation.
On Monday I spoke to my GP who gave me a sick note for a month - the first one I've ever had in my working  life!!
Posted on Sunday 28th June 2015
A day early for this since I will be admitted to the Lister Hospital in Stevenage this afternoon at 5pm. The past week has been OK- the tiredness has gradually reduced. On Wednesday I saw the Oncologist, Dr Hughes, who seemed happy with the chemoradiation sessions and said he would now ask for scans to reveal the outcome. I've received an appointment for a CT scan later in July. Checking my file I was reminded that I should also be having an MRI scan asked for by Mr Reay-Jones the Colorectal surgeon - no doubt this will come soon. I had a CT and an MRI scan right at the start of this journey when the diagnosis was made. It'll be interesting to compare the 2 - not that I would know what to look for of course! I took a funeral service on Thursday at Dunton and on Saturday I buried the cremated remains of a lovely lady who was very much a part of the church and village at Wrestlingworth. It was quite moving to read the words of Psalm 121 'I lift up my eyes to the hills, from where does my help come. My help comes from the Lord....' I use this Psalm at every burial and as I say, the words are quite moving.
Today I rang the Ward to find out the time I was expected - the phone number I was given was wrong - I was given another and I was then transferred to another ward where a bed was available. That number was only in use during week days and Saturdays! I eventually got through on another number and was asked to be at the Swift Ward for 5pm or just after. I began to feel anxious - it's bad enough to go in for what I need doing, without being given the run around before finding a bed for the night. I'm not sure if I'll end up going back to Swift after the op or going to the ward (7BN) I should have gone on in the first place, It will be a voyage of discovery.
I can eat up until midnight tonight and then only drink water. At my pre-op I was given 4 cartons of Nutricia Pre-op drinks - 2 to have this evening and 2 before 6.30am tomorrow morning. I also got a container with a special soap to shower with before the operation. A kind of de-bug concoction! I also have to avoid alcohol, fatty and heavy foods and avoid smoking or using recreational drugs!!! I will do my best!
Posted on Monday 22nd June 2015
A week today and I will be at the Lister having had or undergoing the operation to remove my kidney. It feels strange this waiting time. Loads of things to do to prepare for the sick leave which will follow. Weekly Notice sheets are being produced by David Tant from Dunton. This web site has been updated to include usual service times and special services/events until the end of November. Contact details for the acting Rural Dean, the Archdeacon and the Bishop have also been included.
Over the past week the pain and discomfort have almost disappeared completely which is wonderful. The tiredness is still hanging around. I can manage short walks but even after the shortest of walks I find myself feeling tired. I still try to get out as often as I can and just keep active.
A highlight for me was Saturday when for the first time since I've been in the Diocese I attended the St Alban Festival. We were in the Cathedral for the mid-day Festival Eucharist - the Archbishop of Canterbury (who had been visiting the Diocese since Thursday) was the preacher and he talked about martyrs. St Alban was the first Christian martyr in England and was beheaded in St Albans and the Cathedral was built to honour his sacrifice. First established as a Benedictine Abbey it was dedicated in 1115 by the then Abbot of Rouen. The present Archbishop of Rouen also attended the day's festivities and he was the preacher at the 4pm service of Festival Evensong. That service ended by the whole congregation processing past Alban's Shrine while singing hymns and threw red roses on it as they passed by. It was a great diocesan/cathedral event of praise and thanksgiving, inspiring and encouraging for all those present.
Last Thursday I went to Lister for the pre op tests and chat. Blood pressure, urine, weight and height were measured and I even had an ECG - I was able to look at the print out - it all looked 'normal' to me, but what do I know!
This Wednesday I have a check-up with the Oncologist following the chemoradiation treatment.
In the parishes I have 2 funerals to look after and catch up on anything needed to make it easier for the churchwardens and others while I'm away. I need to think of an away message for my emails and to change my answer phone message. Gosh I've spent the past few weeks doing similar things and I keep remembering other items to include.
I will try and update this page in a couple of weeks’ time once I'm back home.
Posted on Monday 15th June 2015
Well, over a week gone by since the end of my 25 sessions of chemoradiation. I can't say I miss the journeys to and from Mount Vernon Hospital but it has felt strange not meeting up with the fellow patients I got to know fleetingly in LA10 and of course the staff who I can't praise highly enough for the care and consideration they gave to me and others. They say that one of the most stressful jobs is to be a dentist because of the pain and discomfort that treatment they give and the effect it as on their patients. I would put my radiographers in the same category. They knew they were causing pain and discomfort to those who like me  undergo treatment - like dentists who thankfully I don't have to see professionally too often. Radiologists on the other hand know that the treatment was daily (for some patients 2 or 3 times Alban's each day) and each treatment added to the side effects - burning, soreness, pain, in  unspeakable areas. It's strange how my reserve about speaking of the area where the cancer is being treated has been gradually lifted and, although I'm careful about what I share and to whom, I find that once in conversation I can speak fairly openly about what's happening and some of the gory effects of the treatment.
The basic side effect is when I need the loo I need it now!! No hanging around, hence not being able to be at church on a Sunday morning. The soreness and discomfort is beginning to disappear thankfully and although normal service has not yet resumed I can cope better. Again thankfully I am not on painkillers as I was before the radiotherapy started - that was a very painful time when I was often pacing around downstairs in the middle of the night.
On Friday I received a letter telling me of my appointment with Mr Reay-Jones, my bowel surgeon. This is for August 13th. My operation will hopefully be confirmed at this meeting with him.
So the week has come and gone, a new one begins - or at least in did yesterday. This Thursday morning I have my pre-op appointment at Lister which will lead on to my kidney operation of June 29th.
This week the Diocese has a three day visit from the Archbishop of Canterbury (ABC for short). ++Justin arrives on Thursday and begins his journey around the Diocese. The focus of the visit is on Mission and Young People. The timetable of his travels can be found on the Diocesan web site. On Thursday evening he is meeting with young people who are exploring or beginning to explore vocation and this is followed at The Abbey by a meeting with Diocesan Clergy - I shall be going to that. On Saturday the St Alban's Festival happens and ++Justin will the principal guest and will preach at the mid-day Eucharist celebrating the story of Albans - the first English martyr. I'm hoping to be there for the day.
I grateful for the many prayers and support I know is happening for me, Melanie and the family - if you are one of them bless you!
Posted on Monday June 8th
Wow! What a week! The last day of my chemoradiation was on Thursday so I took a 'thank you' card and a jar of bon bons for the radiology staff who have looked after me and cared for me over the 25 sessions. They have been unfailingly professional and caring, kind and compassionate. It felt strange getting to the end of my visits - gradually people I'd got to know over my sessions  began to come to the end of their treatment and each day brought new patients to the waiting area of LA10. We would each share our diagnosis, coping strategies, treatment pathways, medical staff we had in common. There was a common bond we felt as we walked this new pathway, learning a new language - each of us individually coping yet knowing there was 'something understood'.
I think I overdid it a bit in the excitement of coming to the end of this first stage and I got home feeling pretty shattered which lasted the rest of the day, Friday too. On my way to MVH I attended the noon Eucharist at The Abbey - this was good but perhaps a bit too much to add into the day.
On Saturday I had a wedding to take at Dunton and that brought some normality to life and ministry. The church as packed as Jason and Laila a local couple made their vows - it was really joyful. Saturday was also our 6th wedding anniversary - and that made the day even more special. Melanie cooked a rather wonderful steak served with new potatoes and asparagus. Later in the evening friends called round and we shared cheese, biscuits and bubbly together. This time 6 years ago we were in Taormina staying in a fantastic hotel called Belvedere.
Posted on Monday June 1st 2015
Overall the past week has gone really well - the journeys have been good and again I am so grateful to those who have driven me to and from Mount Vernon Hospital. On occasions the traffic was slow on the M25/A1 - I've learnt where the service stations and loo stops are especially on the way home!! A part of the preparation for the radiotherapy is having to drink almost a litre of water before going in to be zapped - so things can get desperate if traffic conditions are slow on the way home. There was a lot of hoping and praying on the way home.
Posted on Monday 25th May
The past week has gone well - journeys to and from MVH have been excellent with no major hold ups. As usual I am so grateful to all the volunteer drivers who generously agreed to take me.
The daily doses of chemoradiation continue and the side effects haven't got any worse apart from more pain as the skin is damaged with radiotherapy. This was always going to be an issue - thankfully there are creams which can relieve the discomfort.
Today is a Bank Holiday so I get an extra day free from treatment which is a welcome respite not just from the journeys but it also allows a little more time for recovery.
I mentioned last week about the MRI scan - the message back was that this was far too soon and the appointments team had jumped the gun. I expect there to be an MRI around about July 20th.
When I start back tomorrow I will be on day 18 of 25 so there's a growing sense of excitement as I'm now on the downhill run to reach June 4th!
Posted on Monday 18th May
It's been good to have the weekend off from treatment once again. Towards the end of last week I was beginning to feel tired and that lasted until Sunday. Radiotherapy and chemotherapy was fine during the week - with the usual daily doses of both. On Wednesday the machine broke down and most of waiting were taken to another ward for our treatment. One patient was asked to go home that day, to come as usual on Thursday and Friday and to also come on Saturday to have the dose she missed.
On Thursday I had 3 appointments - one for the 'zapping', one to have a check-up with the nurse about how things were going. She asked questions, I answered and we had a conversation about what I might expect as the accumulative effects of the treatment began to take hold. She gave me advice on how to cope particularly with the tiredness which usually hits towards the end or even after the daily doses has ended. The other appointment was to have a blood test. This can sometimes take a long time. The system is to arrive and take a numbered ticket (a bit like the deli counter at Sainsbury’s) and wait for it to come up. There were 20 in front of me so I sat down to wait. Surprisingly it was just half an hour to wait - I guess this depends on how many phlebotomists are on (there are 4 rooms) but only 3 were in use. I was glad to get it done so quickly. My driver for the day had come prepared to wait a long time (3 hours) but in  fact I was done and dusted in good time.
On Friday I was asked to see the Oncologist to be given the prescription for the last of the chemo tablets. I arrived mid-morning and checked in at reception and took a seat. There's a small cafe in the waiting area and I took advantage of having some rather delicious toast and marmite. Eventually the radiology team asked me to go to be zapped and then I returned to the waiting area. A rad nurse came to say that the Oncologist had been caught up in a training session and that unless I wanted to see him he was happy with the report from yesterday's check up with the therapy nurse, he would send my prescription to the Pharmacy. I was happy not to hang around and set off for the Pharmacy and didn't wait too long before it was dispensed and I set off home.
Today I'm on day 13 of 25, so it's a downhill run. The last day of treatment is June 4th. I had a letter on Saturday telling me that I had an appointment for an MRI at QE11 on May 26th. I've rung the BC nurses today to see if this was expected because I will still be having my daily treatment. There was no reply so I left a message - they will call back sometime today. We'll wait and see.
Posted on Monday 11th May
It was lovely having  a weekend off from treatment - no tablets no radiotherapy. Today I'm now on day 8 of my treatment - 17 more to go. I will have a blood test this week and then see the Oncologist on Friday to have the rest of the chemo tablets prescribed.
Last week the hospital transport went pear-shaped. On Tuesday I was picked up by a driver who had a very different take on transport. He said he was sorry for being late - I said he was earlier than I had expected but that didn't matter since, if a slot is available, the radiotherapy can be pulled forward if I arrive early. He said that he should have been to collect me 12 noon since that was the time afternoon patients were picked up regardless of their appointment time. Anyway we arrived and he dropped me off and even though I was early there was a slot to fit me in so I was done and dusted before the official appointment time. I went to the desk a just gone 5pm and the receptionist logged me in for transport home. I waited, and waited - at 6.30pm I rang the transport number and was told that transport was on its way from Lister. I then rang again at just gone 7 and a new chap checked my record and told me that the transport had not been despatched nor had I been logged in to receive it. He apologised and said that he would despatch a taxi from Alperton or Watford to come and get me. Eventually it arrived and I got home after 8pm. So from the first few days of tailor made transport things had changed. I am now going to return to the original plan and beg people's forbearance - many folk from the parishes had offered to take me but because transport became available they were 'stood down'. We will try and resurrect the rota and begin again.
I have not had any side effects to speak of. I am aware though that the treatment does accumulate and often side effects come near the end of the sessions. I do feel tired in the evening though. I'm trying to still be as available as I can be.
Posted Monday 4th May
Today we got an email from our holiday insurance firm saying they would refund the cost of the fights to Portugal and back home. The villa cost had been very kindly repaid by the owners. This insurance refund though is less an excess payable by all those who are named on the insurance. This seems to me to be a bit steep. Anyway we were glad to have got most of our money back. Cancelling our holiday plan has been quite a difficult thing to do - we were so looking forward to this break. This cancer stuff has a lot to answer for.
Speaking to the BC nurse she worked out that the bowel operation would be around mid-August depending on the results of further scans taken 6 weeks after the end of my radiotherapy sessions on June 4th.
Last night we watched the Big C on BBC1 - it told the story of a young woman who had blogged her way through from the diagnosis of breast cancer to secondaries developing. It was very moving.
Tomorrow I start my 4th radiotherapy session along with chemo tablets to take morning and evening. I'm told I won't lose my hair but just to warn everyone if you see a bald clergyman wearing a badly fitting wig ......!!
Posted Thursday 30th April
Yesterday Melanie and I went to see the Urologist at Lister to begin the process of sorting out the problem with my right kidney. It was lovely to meet Mr Hanbury who had already discussed my case with the multi-disciplinary team and it had been recommended that I should be advised to have an operation to remove it entirely. This has been 'booked' for the end of June which hopefully will then leave me with enough time to recover before undergoing the bowel surgery.
It was a bit rushed and we were a late seeing Mr Hanbury so I drove down to Mount Vernon for my first radiotherapy session. That was running late too. The other patients waiting with me were surprised about this because they were normally seen on time. Anyway in preparation for the radiotherapy I had to drink 6 (SIX!!) cups of water - I was then asked to get undressed and into my dressing gown and was called through to the radiotherapy room. There was a huge metal door and I guess special walls to stop the waves escaping - they all needed to go into me rather than elsewhere. The radiologists were very good and they gently manoeuvred me into the correct position while I lay on my tummy. The targets were the three tattoos I'd had last week. It took about 25 minutes in all.
Evening - I have just got back from my second dose of radiotherapy. It didn't take as long and because I arrived early I was able to be seen before my appointment time. The radiographers were again kind and helpful.
Posted Monday 27th April
Last week we attended three appointments at Mount Vernon. Monday was radiotherapy planning. Tuesday evening we joined a group of patients who like me are to have chemotherapy for an information session. On Friday we met with Dr Hughes (Oncologist) to be given the prescription and then off to the Pharmacy to collect the tablets.
Today we went to see my GP, Dr Jarvis, to talk about the treatment I will be having and to review the painkillers I'm taking. These were adjusted to hopefully control the pain I feel, particularly in the afternoon/evening and night time. Sleep has been difficult and I often get up to walk around to try and find some relief but as soon as I get back into bed it comes back. We'll see how they work and hopefully they will resolve the situation.
This week on Wednesday, I begin the daily visits to Mount Vernon for radiotherapy. Every day I have this I also have to take the chemo tablets morning and evening. So for the next five weeks (not including weekends or bank holidays) I'm going to have an interesting time of it. Hopefully the side effects will not be too bad and even more hopefully none at all.
One good thing last week was that I heard from a fellow patient that I could get transport and I rang to give my details and there was no problem in arranging it. Yesterday at church I was able to explain this to the congregations and to say thank you to everyone who had volunteered to drive me to Mount Vernon and back.
Posted Monday April 20th
6.45pm. We have just got back from my first appointment at Mount Vernon. This was for a planning session for the radiotherapy. The appointment time was for 3pm but we had to wait until about 3.45. We then had a chat with the Oncologist who took my consent forms - we then saw a nurse who asked health questions. We waited a bit longer before I was taken into the CT scanning room where I had to lie down on my front while they 'adjusted' my dress to reveal where the radiotherapy was required. The measuring scan took place and a nurse returned to tatoo me in three places. These are permanent marks - I had joked to Melanie saying that one day I would have a tatoo - but is is not quite what I meant!! The journey there took about an hour and we expected the homeward journey to be much longer - in fact we sailed around the M25 and up the A1and we were home in under an hour and a half.
Posted Friday April 10th
I've just got my three appointments through for the week beginning 20th April at Mount Vernon. I'll know more after those. There's a bit of pain - in two areas, I've got an unrelated nerve pain in my leg as well as pain from the cancer. I saw my GP this morning and he prescribed stronger tablets to take. I'm busy panning the rota for services while I step back a bit in these early days and then stop altogether when I get to the 2 ops I need.
Posted Wednesday in Holy Week (April 1st)
I met the Consultant Oncologist this morning at the Lister.  Dr Hughes was very nice and explained what the treatment would entail. We talked about the stage I'm at in terms of the cancer - he thought I was at Stage 3 - but this can't be verified until after the bowel operation and the histology reports have been completed. The radio therapy and chemo will help to reduce the cancer and prevent any further spread.
The next step is to have an assessment at Mount Vernon in the next week or so (Easter hols have created a delay) - then I shall begin the 5 weeks of daily journeys to Mount Vernon.
I am most grateful for the outpouring of love and prayer for myself and Melanie and the family as we face this journey. With God's grace and strength we remain determined to fight this monster and take each day as it comes.
I hope and pray that Easter may be a real time of joy and celebration as we greet the Risen Lord at the altar.
Posted Palm Sunday - 29th March 2015
Just got home after a wonderful Palm Sunday Benefice Pilgrimage - with the rain it became a cargrimage!
We had a good number of folk as we started from Wrestlingworth Parish Church then were joined by others at Eyeworth Village Hall and others came as we arrived at Dunton Parish Church for the celebration of Holy Communion from the Peace, and then after the service to enjoy a picnic in church.  The sad thing was that we didn't need the huge John Deere tractor to lead us as we walked. In the past it made a good donkey substitute!
There was a rich sense of fellowship and togetherness and we heard the Gospel account of the entry of Jesus into Jerusalem on that first 'Palm Sunday'.
Having heard the news of my cancer people have been very kind in offering lifts to and from the radio therapy I will need at Mount Vernon. It seems surprising to me that there is no transport provided by the hospital - I wonder how people without a car manage to travel so far. It will be an almost 85 mile round trip every day for 5 weeks.
I am seeing the Oncologist at The Lister on Wednesday and we may have a better idea of appointment times and any side effects which may be felt. My Consultant on Thursday seemed to think that driving was OK for me to do. If driving becomes impossible, there are good options with the offers of help from many in the Benefice as well as the village where we live.
Posted Saturday 28th March 2015
Following the recent diagnosis of bowel cancer and consequent scans and colonoscopy, Melanie and I went to see the Consultant on Thursday and we have written a short update to let friends know what's being planned.
On Thursday (26th March) we went to see the Consultant, Mr Reay-Jones, to be told the recommendation for my Treatment Pathway following the Multi-Disciplinary Team meeting held on Wednesday.
Lindsay will receive neo-adjuvant chemo-radiation. Next week he will see the Oncologist to be assessed for this and treatment will begin soon after Easter.
This will mean a daily trip to Mount Vernon Hospital each weekday for 5 weeks. This treatment is intended to reduce the cancer to an operable size, and to reduce any re-occurrence.
Following this he will have an operation on one of his kidneys to remove the growth (found during one of the recent scans & unrelated to the Bowel Cancer) and he is due to be seen by the renal team shortly.
Then in the middle/end of July he will have major surgery to remove the cancer in his bowel.
Because of this we have had to sadly cancel our holiday plans for July/August.
There will be time to recover from the renal surgery before he has the bowel surgery. Following this the recovery time will be up to three months. 
Lindsay intends to continue to work as far as he is able. Radiotherapy can cause tiredness so he will reduce his workload to one service each Sunday. The rest of the week, treatment at Mount Vernon and travel time there and back allowing, he will be as available as he’s always been.
We are so grateful for the outpouring of love, friendship, support and prayer as we face this unwelcome news. We know that you will continue your support for us and we really appreciate all that you do and the many offers of help we have received. Thank you.
Lindsay and Melanie