Time has found its wings at last.

1 minute read time.

21st October 2015. It has been a few weeks since my last post and time seems to have found its wings at last. In fact, after complaining about time dragging, it is now ironic that I don't have enough hours in the day to fit in everything before my chemo starts this coming Friday! I have been overrun with numerous hospital appointments, lunch dates with friends and general preparation before my medication starts. Coupled with this, I also found out last week that I have classical hodgkin's lymphoma (stage 2A) as opposed to non-hodgkin's which I was I was told I had just the previous week. Cue another shift in mindset. Having said this, this change has come as somewhat of a relief, as even though I knew the non-hodgkin's was treatable, my 5 year survival rate is now 95+% and my oncologist is extremely confident that he will be able to cure the disease with only limited chemotherapy and radiation treatments. 

Two days prior to my chemo I am now feeling extremely nervous. I know this seems silly given my excellent prognosis, and I imagine to terminal patients this also seems extremely selfish, but I just don't cope well with the unknown. I am an organised person who likes to plan everything out, and whilst I have done this by reading forums and buying recommend tablets, supplements, shampoos etc. the one message which keeps drumming home to me is that everyone reacts to differently to chemotherapy. I have visions of me crawling around on the floor being sick like the girl from the Exorcist, and whilst I know that this is unlikely, it could happen right?! I am also having a PICC line inserted tomorrow as I have extremely small veins, and the thought of someone threading a tube through a vein makes my head spin (a fitting extension of the Exorcist metaphor I feel!). I suppose it has all very suddenly become real for me. It felt like treatment would never start a few weeks ago, and perhaps I subconsciously clung on to the thought that it was all fantastical. 

Will update after the dreaded poisons enter my body on Friday...

  • Very best ofuck to you and I hope you a as symptomless as possible.  X

  • Oh my gosh, that came out wrong!

    very best of LUCK to you and hope you are as symptom free as possible. X

  • Hi there

    I Had my first chemo last Wednesday and it's been fine. They prepare you very well, bit of an information over load with wot cud happen but as you say yourself, everybody reacts differently. They give you anti sickness medication, mouth washes etc, everything is covered. I find the worst part is taking 20 steroid tablets at once! I put them in porridge in the end and just shovelled it in !

  • FormerMember

    Hello all. I've just had my 3rd treatment last Tuesday, 2a and counting-halfway on December 8th.

    Tigerette, I hope your nerves are a bit calmer now and you feel more in control - it's the feeling of being helpless I found difficult I read and googled a lot -and I too thought it was going to be non-Hodgkins so was relieved (sounds daft feeling better about a cancer diagnosis!), like you that it was very curable. I'm 2b classical, lymphocyte rich, which is apparently also better - yay.

    I'm also on the Lymphoma.org site and have had a lot of support from the folk on there