I can't lose my mum

1 minute read time.

My mum has ovarian cancer. She has been battling for the last 5 years and this is her 3rd recurrence.. After ascites constantly building up, she has had a permanent drain fitted and has been in hospital for over a week now. She is extremely poorly at the moment. We were told 2 weeks ago that the chemo had stopped working - resulting in the fluid build up. She can't eat, sleep or walk properly at the moment and it is heart breaking. I am 22 years old.. And also lost my dad last year. I have quit my job from the stress and worry of losing her. She is the pillar in my life. We were told yesterday that the cancer has now spread to her liver, peritoneum and lymph-nodes in the abdomen - but mum is too weak at the moment to start a different chemo. 

I am absolutely terrified that the cancer has spread too far. My mums oncologist is so vague when explaining these things - as she knows my mum so well. My mum doesn't want to know the details ... Like how long she has - and I am feeling guilty because I would really like to know how bad this is. I've already lost my dad.. I would like to know if I need to prepare myself to lose my mum aswell. 

I am terrified of being without parents at this age and feel completely alone. 

  • FormerMember

    Hello Sweetheart.

    I read your blog and the full update on your signature.

    My heart really broke for you. Too young to lose one parent yet alone two.

    I just want you to know that I'm thinking if you (I'm losing my mum too and just lost my brother).

    I'm 43 and can cope better because of my age. I just want to mother you (hope that doesn't sound crass).

    You will never recover from the loss but your pain will subside until one day, you will talk if your intents without crying and will just smile.

    Don't feel guilty to smoke and laugh.

    You do need to get your life back on track because you have a life. Don't waste it because of your loses, your parents would not want that.

    Take care and really make the most of each day and make your parents proud.

    Much love.


  • FormerMember

    Hello ParaArcher,

    Your reply could not have come at a more desperate time. Thank you so much for your kind words.. It is so easy to feel forgotten and alone during this grief and your post really helped me realise I'm not completely alone.

    I'm so sorry to hear that you've lost your brother and are losing your mum. It is such a scary place to be and I know all too well of what that feels like. My mum lost her mum (my nan) a few years ago.. And I remember her telling me that even though my Nan was 91 - she never really got over losing her.

    I can't even put into words how much I miss my mum and dad. It's been 4 months since I lost her and I am terrified of life without her. I try my hardest to keep going, I got another job the week after her funeral, I've tried to adapt to living in the house she brought me up in with just me and my stepdad, and I've tried to tolerate people.. Even though I've felt completely alone. I feel so bitter and cheated - I feel like the world is against me.. And that everyday will be a battle. I don't understand why it was them... I don't understand why all of my friends have their parents, and why I don't have mine. I just want to be like everybody else my age but it seems impossible.

    I miss her so much and it's the worst pain I've ever felt. Everyday I'm reminded of it and it never goes away.. It just feels like I've been left in the dark. She truly was my best friend and I don't know what I'll do without her.. I don't know what I've been doing without her. But you don't have a choice... You have to just carry on as if you don't have a giant piece of you missing.

    Thank you for replying it means an awful lot to me xx