Chemotherapy Oxaliplatin/capegitabin

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Hello new to this I just started chemo iv had a lot of side effects and only on day two but generally feeling ok just abit flu symptoms but I'm finding it hard to drink cold fluid just wondering if anyone had the same experience 

  • FormerMember

    Hi Jenna D

    Welcome to the Mac Community - Just read this blog message and was wondering if your chemotherapy was for Bowel cancer or something else ?

    Reason for asking is that I noticed you haven't joined any groups as yet and that is where most of the shared experience support is to be found.

    If you could reply with a little more information we can guide you to the best areas within the community to get the information, support and some answers to help you though this.

    Take care, G n' J

  • FormerMember

    Hi Jenna

    Yes, when I was on this chemo I had the same problem.  Drinks were best lukewarm for the day of chemo and a couple of days after.  Thereafter I could tolerate cold drinks but certainly no ice !  Hope this helps.


  • Yes that helps thanks just a strange sensation it was a bit better today as I'm able to sip and not such a bad taste but I find warm drink normal thankyou 

  • Hello dreamthief

    Yes it was bowel cancer and am new to this so not sure of what groups to add so would be glad of advice thankyou

  • FormerMember

    Hi Jenna D

    Noticed you joined the Bowel Group (link) - great!!

    What you could do to get more chemo information from those with experience of it is use that link to get to the bowel group, then select New Discussion and ask this chemo question there as well.

    G n' J