My thyroid journey

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Good morning I'm a newbie I have just joined today...I'm not sure where to begin but let's try 

I have hadan under active thyroid for a few years now,6 month ago I had a scan which showed a small nodule, so it was suggested I had a thyroid biopsy which I had in Dec 15 results thy3a saw my endo in March and she said something about calcium in nodule and would see me in July, I've since had a second biopsy April 22 and I have just received results this morning thy3f with hurthle cells and an appointment with a surgeon, letter states no cancer, can I do a watch and wait for 6 months or so or is there any other treatments I can request before going down the route of surgery,any advice would be much appreciated tia xx 

  • Hi Leah05

    Thanks for coming to see us. If I understand correctly, you have a lump and you've had two fine needle aspiration biopsies which have not conclusively shown cancer.

    However, you've got an appointment to see a surgeon - which does rather suggest that the doctors would like to look at getting rid of your lump. I think you are asking should you go to the surgeon's appointment or avoid that and do a 'wait and see'? Is that correct?

    If the surgeon wants to see you then you should definitely go to that appointment. You can then discuss with him/her whether surgery is really necessary. The surgeon might want to get a CT or MRI scan done before surgery - to see if there are further clues to what's inside - and I would guess that if surgery takes place, it will be a hemithyroidectomy rather than a full removal. My sister is living a full life on half a thyroid so it's not the end of the world if you lose a bit and if you're already medicated for an underactive thyroid, it wouldn't be too life changing to get rid of a lump that might cause you problems later.

    One thing to keep in mind is that the Fine Needle Aspiration test is pretty rubbish unless it tells you it definitely is cancer or definitely isn't. Your results are in the middle so inconclusive. The hemithyroidectomy would therefore be used to diagnose whether or not you have cancer.

    In short, if you've got a surgeon's appointment, you should go. You wouldn't have been sent it if the doctor's didn't think it was necessary.

  • FormerMember

    Thank you for your comment and advice it's really appreciated. My doctor told me last week that they want to do a total thyroidectomy though it's marked as routine and not urgent, I have a massive phobia of surgery and would like to avoid if at all possible, I'm going to see my gp this afternoon going to ask about other treatments available and see if I can get a copy of the results, thank you for your kind words xx

  • I don't know if you're aware that you posted this in the blog section of the site, not the forum section.  It was lucky that I spotted it as you didn't come up on the unanswered posts lists where I normally spot new messages.

    Why not pop over and see us in the thyroid cancer group. More people will see you there and be able to offer more help. Things tend to get a bit lost in the blog threads.

  • Hi Leah

    Please don't worry about this surgery. I had a lump for which I had a partial removal of my thyroid or be on the safe side, so the surgeon could have a proper look. I recovered really well. Unfortunately there was a very small cancer so as per protocol the other side was removed 3 months later...and again they found another small cancer. So I was very lucky to have had the op. Pity they didn't do the total removal. But it was almost without pain and it healed really quickly. Even the second time. I have almost no scar either....and I have peace of mind. Don't be scared.