Mastectomy & reconstruction

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In the next few weeks I am facing mastectomy with ( hopefully) immediate reconstruction. I was offered TUG flap reconstruction. Ive read a lot about it but would really want to learn about other people's experience. Until recent I've always been very healthy, so being diagnosed with HER2 positive carcinoma & DCIS has been a massive shock to me. I'm absolutely terrified & would really appreciate if people could share their reconstruction stories with me. 

  • FormerMember

    Hi mk2016
    Welcome to the site - hopefully you will find support and info here, you're joining the club no one wants to be part of and I know how scary that is ... I'm a year on from the same diagnosis as you .. her+ dcis
    You've posted in the blog section and may find you get a better response in the breast cancer group ... I've put the link up above
    I had chemo first, 3x fec then 3x doxetaxel .. it's not nice but it doable, it helps that you say you're healthy to start with
    I was able to work through most of it with some adjustments though I was very tired and sore by the end and then took time off for surgery
    I had a mx with immediate diep reconstruction - which is where they use your tummy ... Pretty big surgery and at first I was upset, don't think I realised how bad the pain would be and new boob was very sore and swollen, got an infection etc... but now 6 months on am increasingly pleased with it, will need some tweaks but am waiting another 6 months till doing that
    There are a some good threads on reconstruction in the breast group so have a look and post your question there and I'm sure you'll get a load of responses ...
    Take your time, ask lots of questions, hopefully you have a good breast cancer nurse as well and it's ok ask to see pictures of surgery your surgeon has done
    Hope all goes well for you - feel free to ask questions
    Take care Ellen x
  • FormerMember

    Dear Ellen

    Thanks for your response. Maybe there is light at the end of the tunnel.

    I hope you don't mind me asking but I would like to know if you can feel your new breast at all or is it completely numb?

