In the beginning...

1 minute read time.

It's odd how time flies.

Just over 2 years ago I went to the GP as I was convinced I was gong through 'the change' I was nearing 50 and starting to struggle sleeping due to terrible night sweats and a racing heart. I would lie in bed covered in perspiration, covers abandoned willing my heart to settle back into my chest where it belonged. At this time I had also noticed I had an enlarged gland in my neck but thought no more about it.

GP agreed it sounded like it was an age thing and did the necessary bloods and showed no concern at all about the swollen gland telling me it was probably related and would settle down over the next few months.

When said lump did not settle down I returned to the surgery where I saw another GP. She was very thorough and despite trying not to appear anxious about the lump I did get 'vibes' that she was concerned. She referred me for a 2 weeks consultation and whilst still in the surgery tried to reassure me about the wording of the letter I would receive for this referral. Just because it mentions cancer, doesn't mean that it is cancer she said. That still didn't prepare me for the pit in my stomach when I did receive the referral letter telling me I had been referred for a 2 week appointment as my GP suspected I may have cancer. And to be honest, at this stage I knew!
