Skin cancer free!!!

2 minute read time.

Hi all, well, this is my second attempt at writing a blog as the first one I lost! Or maybe it's on here somewhere??? Anyway, here goes.

Last summer I had a sore on my nose that just wouldn't heal properly so went to my GP about it. As I had been diagnosed with Rosacea about 6 years ago I just assumed it was that being stubborn! I was referred to a dermatologist and was first seen around November. 2015 An appointment was made for biopsies to be taken at the end of December. The results came back in January and were sent for a second 'look' as the dermatologist wasn't convinced with the BCC histology result. Anyway, at the beginning of Feb I had my follow up and they confirmed that in fact it was BCC AND SCC!! At the time I wasn't that bothered as I'd only looked up BCC and was confident that even if it did come back positive, it is the least harmful of the skin cancers so time wasn't really of the essence, so to speak. SCC was a different matter! So, they referred me to a plastic surgeon as an urgent case and a week later I had an appointment with her. (Ms Barbara Jemec at the Royal Free Hospital in London) She was absolutely superb and explained it all to me and what she would be doing. On the 14th of April I had an excision done under general anaesthetic and some punch biopsies done on the other side of my nose just to be sure the 'lumps' weren't anything sinister. (they weren't) My reconstruction surgery was a week later on the 21st. I had a look at what she had done before going in to theatre and that was my first shock! I hadn't realise how extensive the excisions had been. The top and side of my nose were practically missing! She reassured me that all would be fine. After 2 hours in surgery it was all over. It was a bit more painful than I had anticipated as the first surgery was relatively pain-free but with good painkillers it was bearable. Both my ops were done as Day cases which was nice. The following day I went to my Dr's surgery to re-dress my wound as it had bled a bit during the night and that was when I got my second shock. I had not expected it to look quite so 'monstrous'! I put on a brave face though and took some photos.

I had my stitches taken out on Tuesday, 5 days post op. It was quite uncomfortable but the nurse was lovely and gave me little 'breaks' when I needed it. 

The best was when he handed me the mirror!!! OMW!!! I could not believe how good it looked in such a short space of time. They have now put steri-strips on and I go back next Tuesday for my check up with Ms Jemec.

I will be going back to work on Monday 9th, nearly a month (I teach French) which will be interesting as I think the kids will not believe I've actually had anything done.

I hope this will allay some of your fears of surgery. Mine has been a very positive experience and the best bit? I AM CANCER FREE!!! 
