The position so far...

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I've recently been diagnosed with bowel cancer and will soon be starting a course of chemotherapy.

I've decided to start a blog so that I can share my experiences and thoughts as I embark on a program of chemotherapy to fight this invidious disease.

  • FormerMember

    Hi rcolt

    Welcome to the Mac Community, a good place to find yourself at a tough time.

    If you think you may benefit from chatting to others with experience of similar situations, especially getting some helpful advice regarding getting through chemo and / or surgery do check out the very active Bowel Group here (link)

    If you decide to join the group and post a new discussion as an introduction do mention the names of the chemo drug regime you are on so others who have had or are having can reply.

    Hope this is of some help, take care, G n' J

  • FormerMember

    Thanks G n' J, I'll get into the bowel cancer chat room when I know more about the chemo plan.