A whole new world.....

2 minute read time.

And so it started, my introduction to cancer on Wednesday 13th April....unlucky for some and it was for me!!!  However, I have tried to only look ahead and not sit and dwell on what has been dealt to me.  The human body is such an amazing thing, how it develops, how it heals itself and how it deals with the stresses of life.  However, sometimes, it just lets you down and there's not much you can do about it.   I really don't think there is much I could've changed in my life that would have made much of a difference, my body decided to mutate my cells and there we have it, cancer!

Life since the diagnosis has been even more speedy than usual and a whirlwind to say the least......and expensive!!  A visit to the dentist to make sure my teeth are all ok as they can be an area of infection prone to chemo, various potions I have been recommended and then the attitude to life I have adopted which is a "who cares" (not quite my words, but I can't use expletives on here!) which has meant a new handbag, a new top etc!

I have made contact with a wonderful wig lady and I have sent her various "selfies" so she can get an idea of what I might be looking for.  I hate a selfie at the best of times, so I did cringe, but it's all necessary.

Then there's been the people!!!  I have been totally overwhelmed by the offers of support, the thoughts, the prayers and the general loving side to people far beyond what I would have expected.  This has lifted me immensely and given me the courage and strength to remain positive and get through this adventure!

It's weird how this road ahead seems to feel slightly akin to pregnancy, albeit on a very different and less happy ride!  I understand there is some suggestion that your chemo experience can be like your pregnancy one. Luckily, mine was a wonderful pregnancy with no sickness so I can but hope.  To come, the ups and downs of emotions and tiredness, the not wanting to face the world on some days, just bunk down and feel sorry for yourself, a bit like having a new baby!  The promise to myself is to make an effort, get dressed, put some make up on and face the day in the best way I can, keep in touch and surround myself with the loving people I want to be with that make me smile. 

So, the chemo starts on Wednesday 27th and indeed the start of many things....the start of a battle, the start of the unknown, the start of my journey, the start of a new life and with a hopeful outcome, the start of a better life!! One with changed priorities, one with less stress and one with a new found sense of fight and determination.  On 13th April I entered a whole new world, one that I was only ever on the periphery of, but this new world can be a good one and I intend it to be.
