Its taken me a year to get this far!

2 minute read time.

Ive got a good hangover going on! Im in work early because my wife gave me a lift in, and im sat here probably still drunk....thats when im at my most honest! if you ever want to know whats going on inside my me a beer (or 10) not saying drinking is a good thing, but its something i like to do, and its important to do the things you enjoy!

Lets rewind 14 months...its probably IBS said the doctor! I spent 5 weeks going to see the doctor, every week telling him im not well. The last straw was when i realised i couldnt drink enough water to stay hydrated! i was throwing up 3-4 times a day!

It turned out i had cancer in the lymph nodes around the outside of my small intestine, which had grown large enough to block it completely! Life saving surgery followed, and a long period off work. I thought i would be dead in 6 months! Not a great feeling i can tell you! The surgery worked well, got the main part of the cancer out of me....but it had spread!

Im no biology expert, but from what i gather, the Superior Mesenteric Artery is the main artery that supplies all the blood to the bowels....what you dont need is cancer in the lymph nodes around that artery! Entwined would be the best way of putting it, and no surgeon in his right mind is willing to risk killing me to cut it out! I dont blame them at all, nobody wants a death on their conscience, but it ******* sucks!!

After surgery i started chemo, i got lucky, it didnt kick my ass as much as it does most people, i had some weird side affects ( i couldnt drink cold drinks or touch cold things for at least 7 days of each 3 week cycle...not great when its the summer time and all i want to do is enjoy a cold pint in a beer garden)

I feel like im on death row! i live my life between CT scans and doctors appointments, every time i get results, its like my lawyer saying you have a stay of execution, sooner or later she will say they have set the date for the electric chair....once *******sucks

On reading this back, i realise it follows no logical order, makes not a lot of sense, but im not one for sharing face to face, im hoping rambling on here will help me in some way. I always like to finish on a good note, so its friday today, finish work at lunchtime, then a few hours snooze before cinema tonight with the wife. If anyone actually reads this and wants to hear more of my non sensical ramblings, let me know...i will gladly get drunk again for you people and have a little rant!!

Stay Healthy People x 
