I'm finding it hard to cope already

1 minute read time.

Hi all,can anyone out there give me some advise on how to cope with dealing and copeing with my terminal husband?My darling was diagnosed with bowel cancer in nov2015 we were told that all went well after his op and he started a course of chemo in Jan this year but by the fifth course he was having a lot of pain in his back and constipated most of the time.He finally got to have a cat scan and a new cancer had come back near his kidney but too deep to operate.We were told last Thursday that he is now terminal but if he's well enough this Thursday they want to try him on a different chemo but keep him on the tablet form of chemo.Although we were told that they were not giving him a persific time scale which is good I carnt help these horrible thoughts that it's going to be sooner than later.I no it's still early days but he's been so poorly since Friday,we had to get the paramedics out as he blood pressure was raised to 162/103 he was very pale,not able to eat or drink much a very constipated,they decided to up his dose of tablets for the constipation and told him to drink plenty,thankfully he's improved a little bit and had his bowels open once yesterday,but since all of this has happened it's made me very scared.Im sorry if I'm babbling on a bit,I just wish I could get these horrible thoughts out of my head.Am I over thinking the worse before its begun after all if he's fit enough to start the new chemo on Thursday and God willing he copes with it well,it may do the job of shrinking it and stopping the cancer from spreading further for a while or longer.Feel like I'm going mad so early on in this journey.Thank you if you've taken the time to read this and I hope it finds you well love Shirley (mrsb) ❤️

  • Hello Shirley. I am sorry to read about your husband's condition. This is obviously a distressful time for you. We have a group here Carers Only . You may like to join the group and get comfort, help and support from others looking after loved ones. You may also like to call the free helpline on 0808 808 0000 (Mon - Fri ) where you will get expert advice on what help, financial or otherwise you may be entitled to. Wishing you and your husband all the best.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Shirley

    I'm so sorry to hear about your husband.  So stressful for you.  It is often said that it is harder to watch someone you love going through this than it is for them dealing with it.  Rily has referred you to the Carers Group and to the Macmillan helpline where there is always a friendly voice on the end of the phone.

    Your husband should have been given details of his Cancer Specialist Nurse or Key Worker, they are there to support you both through this, if you have their number phone them, if not contact the PALS office (Patients Liaison) at your hospital they will get the number for you.  It is also good to pop into a Cancer Support Centre if your hospital have one, it might be a Macmillan, Maggies or other and they are there to support anyone affected by cancer.  I had counselling at mine which was really helpful when I was very stressed.  They also offer lots of other help and advice as well as therapies.  If there isn't one at your hospital ask the Specialist Nurse for details of the nearest one to where you live.

    I have been treated for bowel cancer and I know of many on our forum who have been given similar news to that which your husband has been given and have proved the doctors wrong and are still here after many years.  If you are not already a member of the Bowel Cancer Forum I would suggest that you join that one too, as there are lots of lovely people on their who would be able to offer advice and support.

    I do hope he is well enough to start his new chemo on Thursday.  Try to stay positive for your husband, my daughters" positive support really helped me get through my treatment.

    Take care, and I send you a hug.
