Big Day Tomorrow

1 minute read time.

Just a quick note. Big day tomorrow. I can’t believe it’s been over a year since I started having problems. I’ve known since my initial diagnosis that I would need major abdominal surgery but it always seemed so far away and happening to a different person.

Now it all feels very personal and very immediate.

Lots going on in this little head of mine. My life will never be the same again. I’ve read numerous entries from so many people describing their ‘new’ lives and it’s more about the things they can do rather than those they can’t. I have to admit that there are aspects I’m looking forward to. Mainly related to not being in constant pain. I’m sure the operation will ‘sting’ a bit but that’ll heal. I’ll also save a fortune in toilet rolls! (another silver lining).

All I can ask is for the strength to see this through. I’m scared of the surgery but part of me is looking at all this as an adventure. I’m on this rollercoaster and I can’t get off!

So tomorrow is a big step on my journey and I’d like to thank all of you that have been with me on the way.

I’m not sure when I’ll next get to a computer but I’ll let you know as soon as possible how it’s gone.
