My 11 year old son

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After the shock of another cancer diagnosis in our family (my mother & dog have both had cancer in the last 5 years), my Dad has now been diagnosed. my 11 year old son is struggling and isn't wanting to attend school. I have informed the school of the situation and they are going to get a mentor involved to try & help Ben at this difficult time. I have also contacted the Macmillan helpline and I am getting some information sent out so that I can get my children through this in the best way I can.

If anyone else has been through anything similar please could you tell me how you dealt with it. It's hard enough for us adults to cope with the effects of cancer let alone the children.

I will update this blog with my own experiences as and when they happen.

  • FormerMember


    My son is 11 and my daughter 5 and recently we spoke to Marie Curie who have trained counsellors who can speak to them.

    I have the cancer in our case and unfortunately they have to come to terms with losing me at some point. They have both struggled at different points so hopefully the counselling will help them. They work with them in the school setting.

    It may well be worth investigating for your son.

    Hope you find something to help him cope


  • FormerMember

    Thank you for your advice, it is greatly appreciated.

    I am sorry to hear that your children are struggling too, it is hard enough for us adults to cope with these difficult times let alone children.

    If things don't improve for Ben I will get in touch with the Marie Curie about the counselling and see what they say.

    Take care & look after yourself & your family Xxx