Hair regrowth - eyesbrows & Crown

1 minute read time.

Hello - I hope the community is well in spirit and enjoying the arrival of spring colours. I feel vain writing this, and tell myself to keep perspective....yet I find myself continuing to write. I was diagnosed with Breast Cancer (grade 3, ER -ve, HER2 +ve) and completed chemo 6 months ago (4 cycles of EC and 4 cycles of Docetaxel/Pertuzumab/Transtuzumab). I lost my eyelashes, eyebrows and hair. Approx 3 months after chemo ended my eyelashes began to regrow and now, 6 months after chemo they are fully in place! I have approx. 11 hairs under 1 arm (that I see as a bonus - less to worry about). My eyebrows have grown back very thinly and not in a full arc - I had thick eyebrows and I am worried that they will never return to their original density and strength. My hair has been growing back on my head, however the crown area is quite sparse, so much so that I continue after all this time to still wear a hat. I had bought wigs but found them very uncomfortable even with liners - and I'd bought top range ones (a ridiculous amount of money that I wish I'd given to MacMillan instead). My hair and my eyebrows were my defining features. I am overall very grateful that I have had an "easy" journey through cancer and treatment and have had a fabulous team of medical people around me and I've remained strong and positive through it all....yet today I feel that a thread is being pulled and the strength I have had is beginning erode - all because of how I am feeling about my eyebrows and hair. Chemo finished 6 months toenails are about to fall out too and I am losing my fingerprints. May I ask please, has anyone else out there had the same drug regime please and how did your hair respond?

  • FormerMember

    Hi calm15,

    I had similar treatment but had chosen for "frozen cap". I still lost my hair all over .

    Eyebrows and hair grew back rather quick but I did have "bald " patches . These have now completely disappeared and are fully covered . I was very lucky as my head hair came back as it was .Dark ,not grey and straight,not curly.strangely no hairs grew back under arm or on legs and arms .

    But hey , at least we are still here ,that we can worry about these things.

    Stay positive !

  • FormerMember

    Hello Missybibo - thank you for sharing your update so quickly. May I ask please, how long did it take for your bald/thin patches to return to normal hair density please? I have hair all over my head, but it is the top crown area of approx. 3 x 4 inches where the # of hairs per inch is significantly less than the rest of my head, so half way between bald and full head of hair - but the difference is very noticeable and a lot of my scalp shows through. I used a cold cap for 3-4 sessions and stopped as I'd lost most of my hair within 10 days of 1st chemo cycle (the cap they used was not tight enough in session 1 and the damage was done). The hair that has grown back on my head is normal colour and texture - I did not end up curly either. My oncologist says I am the only patient they have had on this particular combination of drugs who has lost their fingerprints, so I wonder if my epidermis is extra sensitive and as a result I may not gain full hair on head and eyebrows again. I have googled for hours and am intrigued that given how common cancer is that there are not really scientific articles to help provide guidance of timelines etc. Perhaps it comes down to everyone is just different. Anyway, I'd be interested to know about the number of months it took for your eyebrows and hair to grown back to normal thickness/density please. Thank you for helping.

  • FormerMember

    Hello Missybibo - I hope you are well. I was hoping to message you privately to ask some questions but could not work out how to do that. My scalp is still very visible in a number of areas. Are you able to help me understand please:

    *  in your situation how long did it take for your bald/thin patches to return to normal hair density please? You said you have completely disappeared and are completely covered and I am wondering if that took 6 weeks, 6 months, 2 years from end of treatment?

    * how do you define end of treatment please? End of Chemo or end of Herceptin?. I am still on Herceptin and Drs will say that is not meant to impact hair regrowth....however I read on another online forum comments from women who said their hair really took off 6-9 months after Herceptin.

    * did your fingerprints stay or disappear?

    Thank you. Calm15