Travel cover

Less than one minute read time.

Don't usually do blogs but wanted to share.

background - diagnosed with throat (tonsil) cancer 12 months ago - treatment by radiotherapy July - August and now doing pretty well on all fronts.

Off on holiday this year so tried the usual websites to get quotes and what a difference.  Read another blog on MacMillan who said try "Insureancewith" - just come off the phone and I'm covered for a decent premium.  This isn't why I am writing.

The main reason is to say that, after the detailed questions George asked of me I really felt that I had been heard and understood in rest of the journey I have had with my cancer.  None of the other sites referred to questions such as the weight loss, tube feeding, eating difficulties etc.  Even if they had offered double the premium I would have bought.

No, I am not employed by the company nor do I get anything out of this - just wanted to share.

